Sunday 9 November 2014

Saturday 1 November 2014

Thursday 28 August 2014

The African Unconscious

The African Unconscious.

It is often believed said, that those in Abyssinia in all, are not truly in touch with themselves, and in speak and of their possessing an authentic or genuine African Identity too. This in all, might very well have to do, and with speak in all again, and of the very belief that, the very origins of Abyssinia, and speak too of Prester John, very much have to do, and with Abyssinia in all, and as simply perceived, a Nature Paradise of a kind that is [and one too, and that does speak even and of an Abyssinian Meditation tradition too].

However though, when those in Abyssinia, do think of themselves, and as said African in all, it is best in all again, and to think of it all, and from a Historical and Worldly perspective too that is. That Abyssinia in all, can very well create an African Identity, genuine and authentic in its ways too, and in speak of Moses too that is. That this in all, does speak of Africa, and as said distinct in all again, and in speak of the authentic and genuine too, and from the rest of the World that is. That in Africa, the defining of the authentic and genuine, can be said to go along, and with speak of Egyptian History, and as perceived in all again, and from speak of Egypt, and as now referred to as 'Egypt's land' that is, and speak too, and of an Egypt in Turmoil, and as said in all, and as practising slavery too that is. This in all again, does differ and from speak of the authentic and genuine, and as found outside Africa, and which does in all again go along and with speak of Greece in many a way too, and speak truly even, and of Herodotus, and the writing of 'The Histories' too that is.

Thursday 14 August 2014

The Abyssinian Aesthetic

The Abyssinian Aesthetic.

The above image in all, does in all actually show, what an Abyssinian Aesthetic, truly is like. However though, Abyssinians in all, and Ethiopians too, are often known to present themselves in society [in Abyssinia or Ethiopia in itself that is], and in a manner and that does speak of the Aesthetic, and as compared in all, and to speak of the Politic [Link1, Link2], and as they should that is [and with the use of the Aesthetic, said in many a way, and to speak of Ethiopians and Abyssinians, and as said living outside Abyssinia in itself that is].

Tuesday 12 August 2014

The Sassanid Empire

The Sassanid Empire.

Outlooks, Trajectories and Abyssinia [and as versus speak of Byzantine/'Byzant' too that is].

Friday 4 July 2014



Paralysis, and speak even and of Covenants in all, and in Abyssinia too, and as going along and with speak of Unfounded Faith that is.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property.

While many an issue or matter in all, might just plague Abyssinia as a whole/region, and as with regards to speak of Intellectual Property (IP), and all this too, and as probably speaking in all, and of just whom Abyssinians in all again, are, and as with regards to speak of Design and Presentation (Formats) that is. That Abyssinians in all, are known to have the know-how, and in Designing or Presenting Materials, and in manner too perhaps, and that would trump Europe for instance, but in many a way truly, lack in all, a Confident Approach too [and as with it all even referring, and to Abyssinian Communications], and as with regards in all again, and to fully pursuing, many an Endeavour, and that does bespeak even, and of Design and Presentation (Formats) [and further speak too of Abyssinian Technology for instance].

In helping those in Abyssinia, develop this Confident Approach, is to perhaps make them aware, and of just how in all, to best think of IP - Intellectual Property. That in all, Abyssinian and as said African, does bespeak even and of the ability in all, and to Design or Present many a thing, and in a manner and that does speak even of Relics and Artefacts too that is [and speak even and of African Cultural Designs, and as surpassing many another to be seen out there, and from the very perspective of Academia in all, and not Media truly either].

In all, it does appear that, when one does speak of IP - Intellectual Property in Abyssinia, rather than speak in all again, and of Intensive Research and as based on, speak of, Knowledge Bodies, and that do go with it all [and speak even and of World History and as said Racialized too], it could all simply in all again, be said grounded in all, and in true speak, and of just whom those in Abyssinia are, and as with regards to Vernacular that is.

That Vernacular, and as with it even said African too in all, does hold the key, and to Awakening one in all again, and to whom or who in all, one is, and when it does come, and to developing IP - Intellectual Property [and as versus speak even, and of the Western route in all, and which does speak of Well-trained Manpower in all again, and as Vernacular in all again, simply opens one up, and to all forms of Expression, and that do go along even, and with the Written Word that is][and further speak too, and of Design and Presentation Formats in all actually].

In all, when one does think and of what does constitute for Vernacular, one could in many a way even, think of Culture, and as going along with the following:

1. Abyssinian Customary Rites [and as with they said even Funereal too, and not Burial either].
2. Abyssinian/African Materials - Link1, Link2
3. Abyssinian (National) Consciousness

And with Abyssinian Materials in all again, also bespeaking in all, and of Abyssinian Media that is [and further speak too, and of an Abyssinian Smoking Pipe for instance].

Friday 27 June 2014

The Premise

The Premise.

'Fasilides Palace': Abyssinia and the Premise.

Friday 20 June 2014

The Seychelles

The Seychelles.

The Seychelles, and as versus speak of Mauritius too that is.

Monday 16 June 2014



Concurrency and Abyssinia:

Alot has been written on this Blog, and of the very Idea too, and of Abyssinia, and as said even, an everlasting Memory, and as very much in all originating, and with speak of Prester John too perhaps. Such views though, might not sound or seem realistic, and when it does com to speak of Nature and Nat., or even speak of Gender relations, Speech/speech, and furtherly in all again, speak too and of Infrastructure and Materiality, and as seen in Ethiopia/Abyssinia today that is.

In all, and as holding the very world of Secretum Sigullum, and as said Ideal in Abyssinia, is to perhaps also speak of many a Conspiracy theory in all, and as speaking even and of Secretum Sigullum, and that does go along, and with speak even and of Revocation too that is [and further speak too, and of the Unbelievable actually]. 

In many a way though, and as in also speaking of the very fact that, Abyssinian Identity has always been grounded and in speak of Consciousness in all, is to also in all perhaps propose the very view that, Consciousness and in Abyssinia today, does best speak of the Ideally, and as with it all helping one truly connect, and to ones past in all, and as with all this even, speaking truly even, and of what some do term Secretum Secretorum that is (Link).

Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Christians

The Christians.

Christian Identity and Post-Modernism:

To speak of Post-Modernism and from an Abyssinian perspective, is to in all ways even speak of changing Human relations in all, and as with they said even and to speak even of, and of deep stratification, and in the World today, but that in all ways even, the freeing of one in all, and as with regards to all this, does speak even and of Intimacy too perhaps [and speak furtherly even, and of what some do term the Global Economic Crisis for instance].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps start off in all, and on speaking and of what does constitute, and for Christian Identity, and as with it said even truly grounded in all, and in the possessing of Christian speech, and speech too, and that does mirror that found/seen in all, and with Queen Elizabeth II for instance. In all again, Christian speech, should not be confused with speech and as seen in Christianity, but in many a way truly, while some forms/denominations in all, and of Christianity, are very much Christian, it is Catholicism on the otherhand, and the speech found in it too, and that does in all, approximate truly, that seen in the Christian World that is.

To in all again attempt to reform the Christian World, and from an Abyssinian perspective, is to in all ways even speak of what does constitute for Christian Identity today, and very much since the Christian World in all, did face collapse, and with speak of the Italian Civil Wars, and further speak too and of the European Revolutionary Wars that is. In all, since the above did take place in all actually, one in many a way in all again, does see the very rise of the United States of America, and into pre-eminence too in all, and as with its History now, said in all again, and to speak of World History that is [and falsely too][and for those who don't care to know much of the United States of America that is].

In all though, and in helping those in Abyssinia, truly move on and as with regards to fomenting proper Christian Identities, is to first mention that, Wealth disparities and as seen in the Christian World, do arise in all, and with the above forementioned events and in Europe and Italy too, and such that, the Christian World, is still in some or many a way, segregate in its ways actually. In all again, History and as it did happen, does mandate in all that, the Christian World, will never truly be one in all, and that in all ways even, does associate itself in all again, and with varying Doctrines, and of what in all again, does truly stand for the Future that is.

In all, the Christian World and as said even to speak of Italy, Europe, Quebec, Mexico, Palestine, Abyssinia, Kenia/Kenya, and even Japan too in all, can be said in all again, to truly organize itself differently, and as with regards even, and to what does constitute in all too even, and for Christian Behaviour perhaps, and in this Modern World we live in.

That Italy, does still very much remain the very center of Christendom in all, and with it all going along, and with Behaviour too, and that does speak even and of presenting the Christian Faith, and to the rest of the World that is [and as with this even referring in all perhaps, and to the Vatican today, and as with they said believed in all again, and rightfully or truthfully so, and in possessing, Knowledge, and that would better solve the World's problems, and as compared to speak of the UN for instance]. To speak of Europe, is to speak of the Christian World, and as a place in all again, and that does go along even, and with speak of Popular Christian Media, and as consumed in all too even, and by the rest of the Christian World that is. To speak of Palestine, is to in all ways even, speak of the City of Jerusalem, and the History of the Crusades in the Middle East too, and as it is the Palestinians, and that do rightfully belong in Jerusalem [and as Nazarites too that is], and not Jewish or Islamic populations either, and who have in all ways even, attempted to covet, Jerusalem in all actually. To speak of Abyssinia, is to in all ways even associate its Identity in all again, and as created and as based in all, and in speak of Consciousness too, and as the Christian Consciousness in all again, and that did make the Christian World flourish and as One too, and Culturally too perhaps, did speak even and of Publishing and as arising from Abyssinia too [and as including speak even and of the very works of Alexandre Dumas for instance, and who was actually Abyssinian too]. In all ways even though, it is Abyssinians in all perhaps, and who can be said to still very much want to see the Christian World as one actually. For Quebec and Japan, speak even and of the Christian, and as perceived and from a Festive perspective too that is. For Mexico, Christian Identity, and as said even to go along and with Politics too, and as seen in the Americas that is [and which does speak even, and of disparities in all, and in Wealth/Property Ownership, and that does also speak in all, and of what does constitute and for a unified Identity in the Americas, and which does speak in all, and of Materiality/Materialism too that is].

It is however Christian Identity and seen/found in Kenia/Kenya, and which in all ways even, does not in all wish to associate itself, and with the rest of the Christian World, and as it is a Christian Identity, and that does speak even of Coptic Egyptian Christianity, and an Identity too, and that does wish in all and in many a way too, and to associate itself and with Africa actually, and in attempting to build Civilization that is [Christian Kenia/Kenya: Link1, Link2].

In all again, all the above said, and as with regards to telling one that, if they do possess Christian speech in all, traveling across the now dormant Christian World, is not a big a problem, and as one would think that is [and as with speak of Time in itself too actually].

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Cleansing Ceremonies

Cleansing Ceremonies.

To speak of Cleansing Ceremonies, and in Abyssinia as a whole too, does in all even truly entail, the creating of Identity in all, and in Abyssinia, and as truly based around ones Home that is. That Cleansing Ceremonies in all, and as said Indigenous too [and of ones Home that is], have often gone along and with speak of creating a core Identity and in Abyssinia as a whole too, and as with speak even and of all this and from a Canonical fashion too, speaking even, and of truly creating Cleansing Ceremonies/Rituals in all, and as going along even and with speak of Sentiment, Temperament, Mood or Emotions too, and as very much even said somewhat regional in their ways that is.

Wednesday 28 May 2014

The Friday Mass

The Friday Mass.

The Friday Mass, and speak even of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa, and Durnham-Nairobi too, and as one that is.

Monday 5 May 2014

The Ethiopian Owl

The Ethiopian Owl.

Referencing in all, and speak even of the Alchemical, and Abyssinia too [and as with all this even speaking of Historicity in itself actually].

Cool Hand Luke

Cool Hand Luke.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Tree Bark

Tree Bark.

Tree Bark, and further speak even of Herbal and Medicinal Remedies, and in Abyssinia too.

Wednesday 19 March 2014



What in many a way is the relevance of Spain, and to History in itself? One can in many a way then say perhaps, it was they who did come to truly even live life out, and as based around speak of the Modular, and also the Modularity of the Mind too perhaps [and as with this referring even, and not to Decentralization in itself, but in many a way truly, and to speak even of Cohesion in itself actually].

All this too, and as an interesting manner in all, and of thinking in all of problem solving too, and as with speak even of the World as it is today, but that in all ways even, another interesting approach in all, does speak even of Swahili Cultures in all again, and who have traditionally solved problems in many a way, via speak of defining Wealth, Property and Status/Success too, and as based around in all, speak of Coupling in itself actually [and all this too in all again, and as with speak even of the World as it is today that is].

Wednesday 12 March 2014



Chanting, and as the only activity needed to be engaged in and full-heartedly too, and in order to know oneself, and as Abyssinian too that is [and as with this even referring, and to Abyssinian Identity, and as grounded in all, and in speak of just whom one in all, is, and as a Communicator too that is].

Friday 7 March 2014

The Overhead

The Overhead.

For those living in Abyssinia in all, and as it is in the present day, and in many a way even finding it hard in all again, and in thinking about or planning for life in all too really, is to then perhaps associate them, and with just one term, and which will make life, more or less worthwhile in its ways: the Overhead.

Sunday 23 February 2014

Friday 24 January 2014

The Concise Pepy's

The Concise Pepy's.

The Singular, and Abyssinia too [and as with the Singular even, speaking of not being connected and to just about anything too that is].

Thursday 23 January 2014