Tuesday 1 July 2014

Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property.

While many an issue or matter in all, might just plague Abyssinia as a whole/region, and as with regards to speak of Intellectual Property (IP), and all this too, and as probably speaking in all, and of just whom Abyssinians in all again, are, and as with regards to speak of Design and Presentation (Formats) that is. That Abyssinians in all, are known to have the know-how, and in Designing or Presenting Materials, and in manner too perhaps, and that would trump Europe for instance, but in many a way truly, lack in all, a Confident Approach too [and as with it all even referring, and to Abyssinian Communications], and as with regards in all again, and to fully pursuing, many an Endeavour, and that does bespeak even, and of Design and Presentation (Formats) [and further speak too of Abyssinian Technology for instance].

In helping those in Abyssinia, develop this Confident Approach, is to perhaps make them aware, and of just how in all, to best think of IP - Intellectual Property. That in all, Abyssinian and as said African, does bespeak even and of the ability in all, and to Design or Present many a thing, and in a manner and that does speak even of Relics and Artefacts too that is [and speak even and of African Cultural Designs, and as surpassing many another to be seen out there, and from the very perspective of Academia in all, and not Media truly either].

In all, it does appear that, when one does speak of IP - Intellectual Property in Abyssinia, rather than speak in all again, and of Intensive Research and as based on, speak of, Knowledge Bodies, and that do go with it all [and speak even and of World History and as said Racialized too], it could all simply in all again, be said grounded in all, and in true speak, and of just whom those in Abyssinia are, and as with regards to Vernacular that is.

That Vernacular, and as with it even said African too in all, does hold the key, and to Awakening one in all again, and to whom or who in all, one is, and when it does come, and to developing IP - Intellectual Property [and as versus speak even, and of the Western route in all, and which does speak of Well-trained Manpower in all again, and as Vernacular in all again, simply opens one up, and to all forms of Expression, and that do go along even, and with the Written Word that is][and further speak too, and of Design and Presentation Formats in all actually].

In all, when one does think and of what does constitute for Vernacular, one could in many a way even, think of Culture, and as going along with the following:

1. Abyssinian Customary Rites [and as with they said even Funereal too, and not Burial either].
2. Abyssinian/African Materials - Link1, Link2
3. Abyssinian (National) Consciousness

And with Abyssinian Materials in all again, also bespeaking in all, and of Abyssinian Media that is [and further speak too, and of an Abyssinian Smoking Pipe for instance].