Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Christians

The Christians.

Christian Identity and Post-Modernism:

To speak of Post-Modernism and from an Abyssinian perspective, is to in all ways even speak of changing Human relations in all, and as with they said even and to speak even of, and of deep stratification, and in the World today, but that in all ways even, the freeing of one in all, and as with regards to all this, does speak even and of Intimacy too perhaps [and speak furtherly even, and of what some do term the Global Economic Crisis for instance].

To understand all this better, is to perhaps start off in all, and on speaking and of what does constitute, and for Christian Identity, and as with it said even truly grounded in all, and in the possessing of Christian speech, and speech too, and that does mirror that found/seen in all, and with Queen Elizabeth II for instance. In all again, Christian speech, should not be confused with speech and as seen in Christianity, but in many a way truly, while some forms/denominations in all, and of Christianity, are very much Christian, it is Catholicism on the otherhand, and the speech found in it too, and that does in all, approximate truly, that seen in the Christian World that is.

To in all again attempt to reform the Christian World, and from an Abyssinian perspective, is to in all ways even speak of what does constitute for Christian Identity today, and very much since the Christian World in all, did face collapse, and with speak of the Italian Civil Wars, and further speak too and of the European Revolutionary Wars that is. In all, since the above did take place in all actually, one in many a way in all again, does see the very rise of the United States of America, and into pre-eminence too in all, and as with its History now, said in all again, and to speak of World History that is [and falsely too][and for those who don't care to know much of the United States of America that is].

In all though, and in helping those in Abyssinia, truly move on and as with regards to fomenting proper Christian Identities, is to first mention that, Wealth disparities and as seen in the Christian World, do arise in all, and with the above forementioned events and in Europe and Italy too, and such that, the Christian World, is still in some or many a way, segregate in its ways actually. In all again, History and as it did happen, does mandate in all that, the Christian World, will never truly be one in all, and that in all ways even, does associate itself in all again, and with varying Doctrines, and of what in all again, does truly stand for the Future that is.

In all, the Christian World and as said even to speak of Italy, Europe, Quebec, Mexico, Palestine, Abyssinia, Kenia/Kenya, and even Japan too in all, can be said in all again, to truly organize itself differently, and as with regards even, and to what does constitute in all too even, and for Christian Behaviour perhaps, and in this Modern World we live in.

That Italy, does still very much remain the very center of Christendom in all, and with it all going along, and with Behaviour too, and that does speak even and of presenting the Christian Faith, and to the rest of the World that is [and as with this even referring in all perhaps, and to the Vatican today, and as with they said believed in all again, and rightfully or truthfully so, and in possessing, Knowledge, and that would better solve the World's problems, and as compared to speak of the UN for instance]. To speak of Europe, is to speak of the Christian World, and as a place in all again, and that does go along even, and with speak of Popular Christian Media, and as consumed in all too even, and by the rest of the Christian World that is. To speak of Palestine, is to in all ways even, speak of the City of Jerusalem, and the History of the Crusades in the Middle East too, and as it is the Palestinians, and that do rightfully belong in Jerusalem [and as Nazarites too that is], and not Jewish or Islamic populations either, and who have in all ways even, attempted to covet, Jerusalem in all actually. To speak of Abyssinia, is to in all ways even associate its Identity in all again, and as created and as based in all, and in speak of Consciousness too, and as the Christian Consciousness in all again, and that did make the Christian World flourish and as One too, and Culturally too perhaps, did speak even and of Publishing and as arising from Abyssinia too [and as including speak even and of the very works of Alexandre Dumas for instance, and who was actually Abyssinian too]. In all ways even though, it is Abyssinians in all perhaps, and who can be said to still very much want to see the Christian World as one actually. For Quebec and Japan, speak even and of the Christian, and as perceived and from a Festive perspective too that is. For Mexico, Christian Identity, and as said even to go along and with Politics too, and as seen in the Americas that is [and which does speak even, and of disparities in all, and in Wealth/Property Ownership, and that does also speak in all, and of what does constitute and for a unified Identity in the Americas, and which does speak in all, and of Materiality/Materialism too that is].

It is however Christian Identity and seen/found in Kenia/Kenya, and which in all ways even, does not in all wish to associate itself, and with the rest of the Christian World, and as it is a Christian Identity, and that does speak even of Coptic Egyptian Christianity, and an Identity too, and that does wish in all and in many a way too, and to associate itself and with Africa actually, and in attempting to build Civilization that is [Christian Kenia/Kenya: Link1, Link2].

In all again, all the above said, and as with regards to telling one that, if they do possess Christian speech in all, traveling across the now dormant Christian World, is not a big a problem, and as one would think that is [and as with speak of Time in itself too actually].