Thursday 28 August 2014

The African Unconscious

The African Unconscious.

It is often believed said, that those in Abyssinia in all, are not truly in touch with themselves, and in speak and of their possessing an authentic or genuine African Identity too. This in all, might very well have to do, and with speak in all again, and of the very belief that, the very origins of Abyssinia, and speak too of Prester John, very much have to do, and with Abyssinia in all, and as simply perceived, a Nature Paradise of a kind that is [and one too, and that does speak even and of an Abyssinian Meditation tradition too].

However though, when those in Abyssinia, do think of themselves, and as said African in all, it is best in all again, and to think of it all, and from a Historical and Worldly perspective too that is. That Abyssinia in all, can very well create an African Identity, genuine and authentic in its ways too, and in speak of Moses too that is. That this in all, does speak of Africa, and as said distinct in all again, and in speak of the authentic and genuine too, and from the rest of the World that is. That in Africa, the defining of the authentic and genuine, can be said to go along, and with speak of Egyptian History, and as perceived in all again, and from speak of Egypt, and as now referred to as 'Egypt's land' that is, and speak too, and of an Egypt in Turmoil, and as said in all, and as practising slavery too that is. This in all again, does differ and from speak of the authentic and genuine, and as found outside Africa, and which does in all again go along and with speak of Greece in many a way too, and speak truly even, and of Herodotus, and the writing of 'The Histories' too that is.