Thursday 24 October 2013

The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy.

Many in Abyssinia, might have heard of the Divine Comedy, and by Dante Alighieri too. In many a way, it is often presented as a work, and that does teach one in all, and of what, and as with further speak even and of a Transformational experience too, of what does constitute Heaven and Hell in general that is.

In all though, there is another way of looking at this work, and as with it said to be based on Supernatural experiences, and as versus Natural experiences too in all. To speak of Natural experiences, is to in all ways even relate them, and to Nature in itself, and from a simplistic sense, speak of them, as talking in all again, and of what one does like or dislike even, or in all ways actually, what one is inclined to or not that is. In all ways, this work in all again, can help one get in touch with themselves (and as with this speaking even, and of being emotionally free in all), and in many a way, truly know what one does truly like, or truly dislikes that is. In all again, while one can learn from Nature about all this (what one likes or dislikes, and by simply getting in touch with Nature, and speak even of what one likes in Nature, and what one does not like in all or is not inclined too that is), the above edition of the Divine Comedy, is believed very much suited for those in Abyssinia, and as with regards to all this actually [simply getting in touch with oneself, and being emotionally free that is].