Tuesday 8 October 2013

Escapades in the Mara

Escapades in the Mara.

It was a sunny Monday, when out of boredom and in need for adventure too, I did decide to venture into the Maasai Mara. It was while walking around blindly even, and seeking out nothing much in return, I did come across the strangest of sights. Running simply across my path, was none other, than a little Lion Cub, and whose name I would come to ascertain as being 'James' the Little Lion Cub. James in all, did glance at me as he crept and ran by, and I did wonder if anyone else was within our midst, and as if truly wondering, if his mother, or pops even, was anywhere nearby. He running now a distance from me, but not too fast either, and I sensing no other presence, did decide to chase after him, and simply know where he was going to, and in the name of fighting boredom. Ran he did, and I after him, sensing no one else was around to see me do as I did, and with time, he did slow down, and surprisingly enough, decide to take a rest on the grass itself. It is there I did find him, and I did then decide to very much take the photo above of him too. What did happen of James after I did leave, I do not know, but presumably, he did return to his mama and fathers arms, and in many a way too perhaps, he is probably at rest or at peace too. Hopefully, I will come to meet him again, and hopefully too, he will be as gregarious as I will, and on seeing him again. 

Thank you James.

Chip Donaldson