Sunday 27 October 2013



The work of Art above, and as based in Ethiopia too, in many a way does speak of what some do term Primitivity. What is Primitivity though? Some do acquaint it with Primitive Philosophy, Primitive Mythology, Primitive Art etc., but in all ways even, and as with regards to Ethiopia/Abyssinia too, does in all ways even speak of, and of whom we are, and as fearful beings too that is, and when we attempt to do anything, and with a minimal Knowledge base too, and in many a way too, working from a Trial-and-error perspective even [and the further belief that, and as with speak of even of putting in the Hard work even, we shall never truly succeed, but what we are attempting to do, might be worthwhile in all, and in many a way, we shall succeed in one way or another that is, and even over a long period of time too actually]. In all, when those in Ethiopia/Abyssinia think of themselves as such, the fear in all and of never truly getting there, the above posted work of Art, is in all ways even, whom they are as fearful and primitive beings that is.