Wednesday 30 October 2013

The Incomparable Christ

The Incomparable Christ.

- and speak even, of Everyday Identities, and in Abyssinia too.



Creed/Credo and Abyssinia [and as versus the Holy Piby too].

Tuesday 29 October 2013

The Art of Fact

The Art of Fact.

And as with it in all, serving as an inspiration, and for Media in Abyssinia too, and as with speak even of Aesthetics, Patterns & Design in all again, and in all ways even, a work actually written in Angleterre English, and as the kind of English too, suited in all, and for Abyssinia that is.

Monday 28 October 2013

Sacred Sites

Sacred Sites.

Many in Abyssinia, and especially Ethiopia too, have a hard time in all, and in connecting to others, and around the World too. This in many a way does speak even of Ethiopians in all, and as having evolved in the World of Prester John actually, or even the Kebra Negast too, and in many a way, having come to learn how to see themselves in all, and as rather Unique, and from the perspective of the Sacred that is. In all ways though, for those in Abyssinia, and when they do think of connecting to the rest of the World, then let it be along the lines, and of Sacred Sites to be seen all over that is.

Sunday 27 October 2013



The work of Art above, and as based in Ethiopia too, in many a way does speak of what some do term Primitivity. What is Primitivity though? Some do acquaint it with Primitive Philosophy, Primitive Mythology, Primitive Art etc., but in all ways even, and as with regards to Ethiopia/Abyssinia too, does in all ways even speak of, and of whom we are, and as fearful beings too that is, and when we attempt to do anything, and with a minimal Knowledge base too, and in many a way too, working from a Trial-and-error perspective even [and the further belief that, and as with speak of even of putting in the Hard work even, we shall never truly succeed, but what we are attempting to do, might be worthwhile in all, and in many a way, we shall succeed in one way or another that is, and even over a long period of time too actually]. In all, when those in Ethiopia/Abyssinia think of themselves as such, the fear in all and of never truly getting there, the above posted work of Art, is in all ways even, whom they are as fearful and primitive beings that is.

Saturday 26 October 2013

Sex Talk

Sex Talk.

There is a 'myth' out there, and that does talk of White Women in all, as truly satisfying even, all of ones sexual whims and even fantasies too. This 'myth' in all again, has been promulgated to most of the World, and in many a way, might not be truly false. However though, this Blog in all, will attempt to put this myth to rest, and by stating that, it, the 'myth' that is, actually does have its origins in Central Asia, and might in all again, be actually true, of White Central Asian Women that is.





Thursday 24 October 2013

The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy.

Many in Abyssinia, might have heard of the Divine Comedy, and by Dante Alighieri too. In many a way, it is often presented as a work, and that does teach one in all, and of what, and as with further speak even and of a Transformational experience too, of what does constitute Heaven and Hell in general that is.

In all though, there is another way of looking at this work, and as with it said to be based on Supernatural experiences, and as versus Natural experiences too in all. To speak of Natural experiences, is to in all ways even relate them, and to Nature in itself, and from a simplistic sense, speak of them, as talking in all again, and of what one does like or dislike even, or in all ways actually, what one is inclined to or not that is. In all ways, this work in all again, can help one get in touch with themselves (and as with this speaking even, and of being emotionally free in all), and in many a way, truly know what one does truly like, or truly dislikes that is. In all again, while one can learn from Nature about all this (what one likes or dislikes, and by simply getting in touch with Nature, and speak even of what one likes in Nature, and what one does not like in all or is not inclined too that is), the above edition of the Divine Comedy, is believed very much suited for those in Abyssinia, and as with regards to all this actually [simply getting in touch with oneself, and being emotionally free that is].

Sigillum Secretum

Prester John.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

The Quest

The Quest.

In all ways, and as with speak even of the Rosslyn Chapel, or even the Lost Ark of the Covenant, life in Abyssinia in all, is truly characterized and by the Quest too. In all ways even, the Quest, and as emanating from the Mysteries associated with the Rosslyn Chapel for instance, does take various multitude of forms actually. While one was mentioned in the 'Abyssinian State' entry (and as with speak even of Treasure Island that is), the Quest in all again, is capable of being a highly Individual Mystery even, and in the manner in all, and of that put forward in the Vintage edition, and of Alexandre Dumas' The Count of Monte Cristo that is.

The Last Crusaders

The Last Crusaders.

The Post-Egyptian World, and as with the Pharaohs of Egypt, having said to represent Immortality to most if not all of the World in all, and in Memory, Name and Character too.

Tuesday 22 October 2013



Many in the World today, have been programmed in all, and in viewing Significance, and from a rather Individual perspective too [and as with speak of Individual Success that is]. In many a way, this does speak of an Individual Consciousness, and also Individual Conscious States too. In Abyssinia though, and as in the past times too, Significance in all, is best perceived or defined even, and from a Group Consciousness perspective that is, and as with this speaking even, and of the search for Tranquility and in ones life too actually. In all again, Significance and in Abyssinia, and as best expressed in all, and in the following phrase:

'The Times they are a Changing'.

Oral History

Oral History.

The Kebra Nagast: Oral History and Abyssinia/Ethiopia too.



The Orgasm

The Orgasm.

Many out there, have been taught to believe that, the Orgasm in all, does truly represent the highest of everyday experiences, and for us all that is. While some of the Asian Tantric Masters in all again, did attempt to study the Orgasm and from the perspective of Tantric Sexuality (and in many a way even, speak of the very fall of Chinese Civilization too), others in all again, did attempt to study the Orgasm, and as with it helping unravel the mysteries of the Chakras, and also speak of building Human Bodies, and with lots of Vitality to them that is [and speak even of perfect Health actually].

In Abyssinia though, speak of the Orgasm, and as with it even helping define everyday life in all, does speak of equating it in all again, and with the Gasp actually [and as with this furtherly even referring to the basic premise of building Civilization in Abyssinia, all about turning Abyssinia, and into a Nature Paradise of a kind, and as with speak even of Ecological Conservation that is].

The Gasp:



While Amharic has been considered the Official Tongue of Ethiopia, and in more recent times that is (and as with connecting Ethiopia to Israel even), and with Tigrigna today considered the Official Tongue in all, and of Ethiopia too (and as connecting Ethiopia to Eritrea that is), the only true Tongue though, and of Abyssinia/Ethiopia in all, is actually Ge'ez.

Human Traces

Human Traces.

Speak of Soul Searching in Abyssinia, and as with it even a Spiritual condition in all, does in all ways even speak of how we do in all again, perceive Sensitivity in itself actually [that Maturity in Abyssinia, has to do with our perceptions of Sensitivity in all, and not only in our private lives that is, but also in all Realms of Existences and in Abyssinia too actually].

The Rosslyn Chapel

The Rosslyn Chapel.

The Rosslyn Chapel, Concurrency and Abyssinia, and as with this even speaking of a Concurrent Abyssinian Memory in all, or speak even again and of all that does truly exist in the Present, the Now or in the Moment too, and as with this even speaking of perceiving Time and as based around the CE (Common Era or Christian Era), and as versus the AD (Anno Domini), and all this too and as compared to speak of the History of the Queen of Sheba, the Kebra Nagast, or even events in all, and as associated with Colonial period Abyssinia that is.

In all again, BCE (Before Christian Era), as associated even with the History of Egypt, CE (Christian Era), speaking in many a way of Ethiopia, Abyssinia and even Byzant too, and with AD (Anno Domini), speaking of Europe, Italy and Byzantine too.

Sunday 20 October 2013



Nyabinghi music, and as with it of traditional/indigenous Ethiopian origins, and not of Jamaican origins either.

'I Can See Clearly Now', and as with Nyabingi music somewhat gone Pop that is.

the Land of the Moors

Abyssinia: Land of the Moors.

Abyssinian Moor Literature.

The Good Soldier

The Good Soldier.

The Good Soldier, and as with it even speaking of Sexual norms and in Abyssinia too, and as with Abstinence in all again, just whom Abyssinians in all truly are, and as with regards to Sexuality that is.

Saturday 19 October 2013

The Message

The Message.

Many out there have probably heard of the Message, and probably in all again truly do wonder what it actually means. In many a way too, the Message today, has come to be highly associated even and with Islam in all, and as with this how in all again, Islam, is proselytized and proclaimed to the World that is. In this way, this is what makes Islam today, appear to be a rather formidable Religion, and as compared to other Religions out there, as the Message in all again, only truly speaks of one thing: the Warning.

Finally in all, the Warning, and as with it in the past associated with the Drum actually [or those in all again, who did simply know how to drum that is].

Thursday 17 October 2013

The Ethiopian Wolf

The Ethiopian Wolf.

While the Ethiopian Lion, has always represented Spirit (or Consciousness) and in Abyssinia in all, it is believed that the time for change has arrived, and that from now on, it is the Ethiopian Wolf, that does actually represent Spirit (Consciousness), and in Abyssinia too.



When we do speak of Nat., we are not referring to it, and as an abbreviation for Nature that is, but in many a way truly, speaking of Weather, Climate and the Climatic too. To simplify all this, is to associate Weather, and with Colours in Nature in all, while the Climatic speaks of Light/Lighting in Nature, and with Climate on the otherhand speaking in many a way and of Nature's Outlines in all.

In many a way really, nobody truly knows why Nat. in all truly changes [and in a rather short period of time too actually]. Nobody truly knows why either, Abyssinia in all, and in the 90's too, was kind of 'dewy', having rain all over too, and in many a way even, rather cool in its temperatures actually. In all though, and as with wild imaginings too, and the further belief that nobody truly knows why Nat. in all changes, and in a rather short period of time even, is the belief in all again that, when it comes to Weather and Colours, Abyssinia in all can truly reflect even, the first image posted above, and with speak of Light/Lighting on the otherhand, speaking also of the second image posted above, and finally in all again, the Climate in Abyssinia, and as with it represented and by Outlines seen in Nature, similar to the third image posted above that is.

All this, I believe to be true, and in the name of 'Nature Worship' actually [and as a Belief system too that is].

Tuesday 15 October 2013



Let me start this post off, and by stating that I am Moor. Whom exactly though, are Moors? To say the least, they are in all again actually not only Brown skinned, but also very much Christian too. Why this is stated as such, will be described a bit later on.

Let me first off, also talk about two main kinds in all, and of Moors, and that do exist: Abyssinian and European. That in all again, there does exist differences between them, and that most don't truly know about. Who in all though, are European Moors? To speak of this is to speak in all ways even, and of not only European History, but also the very idea of Europe itself actually. That in all, there is a simple way of looking at European History, highly based around how one in all, does Present themselves actually. This in many a way, can be said to be the foundation of European History in itself [and as with it even perceived primarily, and from the perspective of the Moor that is]. To understand this clearer, is to learn of two social forces, that did come to shape European History in many a way: the Moor, and the White European Woman too. To understand this better yet, is to truly know just whom Moors in all, were in Europe, and on an everyday basis actually. They at the very least, were actually Philosophers. What this means is that, they in all again sought to teach the average European, and at a society level too (and also speak of European media in all again), just how to basically live their lives, and what to do with them, what success to seek out, or even again what it meant to be truly European or not actually. They however did all this, highly based around how they did in all, Present themselves actually, and as truly based around High Humour even, and also Sensuality in itself too. In doing this, they appeared to have one main competitor: White European Women. For no other figure in European society, attempted to Present themselves, at high levels of attractivity even, as with White European Women in all, seeking in many a way, to have many admire them, and from an elitist and sexual manner too actually [and in all, simply have the masses even, doing as they asked actually]. In this way, the seeds for the fall of Europe in all, were very much sowed. 

In a Europe in all, very much Moor in its ways, and as with its Architecture even, speaking in all and of how Moors did Present themselves actually [but with White Men too, very much a part of all this as Philosophers that is, but in an institutional manner actually], one discovers in all again, resentment from White European Women, and as with regards truly even, just whom in all were the most popular figures in all again, and in European society too. While in all, Moors did in many a way invent Europe actually, and as Philosophers too, and with speak even and of just how they did seek to Present themselves actually, White European Women in all, did in many a way even envision a different Europe in all, and one based around European Women too that is [and as with speak of Modern Europe too actually]. That in all again, those in Europe, could be rewarded for their efforts, and by being sexualized by White European Women in all, and as with speak even and of just how they did choose to Present themselves actually (and in a rather sexual manner too), and in all ways even, all this spoke of a new Europe too, heavily based around the aspirations of White European Women actually. In all, one then sees a basic divide in Europe, and into two main spheres: one based around Moors in all, and how they did Present themselves too (and as mainly based around Humour actually), and another Europe based around White European Women too, and speak of how they did present themselves in all (and in a Sexual manner too). This divide in all, lay the seeds for Revolutionary Europe to become a reality, when one finds in many a way for instance, those places or regions under the Influence of Moors, much more even prosperous, than those under White European Women too. Jealousy arising, and by White European Women in all, and as with speak even of Toulouse and Bordeaux in France too for instance, very much Moor in all, and more prosperous than the rest of France actually, revolutionary sentiments in all strike up, and in a Europe too, and as with everyday life that is, heavily defined even and by just how one in all did Present themselves actually, and as with this speaking even of inferiority and superiority complexes too [and as compared to Europe today, and as with it highly based around Elitist sentiments in all, and as with regards to just how one does perceive each other, or Present themselves truly either, and as with this speaking even of physical attractivity that is].

In many a way, this game of Presentation, did have many other players to it. Take Brown European Women for instance, and who did have a difficulty in all again, and as with regards to just how to Present themselves to European society in all, and in many a way, living in the shadows of their Men that is. However, another angle to all this, also speaks of Presentation in Europe, very much from it all being somewhat Greek that is, and as with it compared to being Egyptian that is, and as some of the Moors were. In many a way too, one finds those in Europe and who did present themselves as being Greek in their ways, perceived superior even and to those who did present themselves in a somewhat Egyptian manner, and this in many a way too, sowing the seeds of unrest and between peoples of the same skin colours: this being White Europeans, and Brown Europeans too [and with White Europeans in all again, the majority in all, and in Europe too]. The end and as with regards to all the above, spoke of many a Reform and Restoration process in Europe, and as with the case of the Dutch Republic too, very much Moor in all, and Greek in its ways actually.

There are those though in Europe though, who sought to in many a way leave Europe for all time. This in many a way speaks of whom Europeans are, and from an Evolutionary perspective too. To understand this better, is to speak of Europeans as evolving, and from the perspective of how they did Present themselves actually, and in all ways even this speaking of how they did Present themselves in all, and in manners too, alien to the rest of the World actually (and minus Italy that is). All this in many a way did mean that, they could not live lives outside Europe in all, due to in all again, how they did naturally Present themselves actually. In all truly even, and as with old Europe coming to an end, many a European Moor in all, seeking to end their lives and in evolutionary process too, and to simply leave Earth, and as with this even, speaking of anguish or angst even, and as with regards to just whom in all they truly were even, and as with all their Belief Systems even, grounded in how they did Present themselves, and with evil in Europe too, speaking of the very fact that, even if one did Present themselves in a highly Civilized manner, one could very well in all be brutalized actually. In all again, their Belief Systems now disavowed in all, and as with their belief even, how they Presented themselves in all again, could very well help them achieve just about any goal, the failure of the French Republic for instance to bring Civility to Revolutionary France, despite the high levels of Presentation shown by Moors in all, and as with this speaking even of the French Flag too, and speak even of being Savoir-Faire in all, did result in many Moor in all again, seeking to very much end their lives actually, and from an evolutionary perspective too, and as with this referring in all again, to their Belief Systems totally failing even, and as with they based on how they did Present themselves that is.

In Abyssinia though, the so termed Romance and that did exist between Moor Men and White European Women, and based on how they did Present themselves in all, does not exist. To understand Moors better in all again, and from a European perspective too, is to know what Europe truly is like, and as a dark continent that is. That in all again, desolation in Europe, speaks of it even, as perceived very much, and from a Silence perspective too [and one that equals the Dead that is]. In all again, to fight this Silence, one in all ways even has to live a rather highly Cultural lifestyle in all, and as with simply knowing what to do at every moment of ones life that is [and as with this again, speaking of just whom Moors in Europe truly were, and as highly Cultural figures that is]. In all though, Abyssinia does differ from Europe in all truly even, in that, at the very least, darkness in Abyssinia, is very much described from an African perspective actually, and as with it speaking even, of truly being lost that is. In many a way too, this is whom Abyssinian Moors truly are. That in all, they are not actually Cultural figures actually, but that in many a way truly even, Dead serious people actually. What this does mean is that, they truly believe in the wildest of thoughts in all, and in many a way too, truly believe that their wildest thoughts in all, to actually represent Reality in itself.

We all however though, and as with speak of Revolutionary Europe too, live in a World, which has come to be strongly defined even, and by just how in all we do Present ourselves actually. In all again, the forms of acceptable Presentation around the World, are even dictated in many a way, and by White Women too actually [that White Women in all again, are perfect and in their forms of Presentation that is]. In all again, the very rise even, and of everyday discrimination too, and as based around how one does Present themselves, and as with this speaking even, and of sexuality in itself too that is. In all ways though is to tell one that, in Abyssinia, White Women, are in many a way truly even, alien beings actually. This meaning in all again that, Abyssinia in all, does not care to know anything much to do with White Women actually, and just how in all they do Present themselves, and as compared to the rest of the World that is [and as with this what distinguishes Abyssinia from the rest of the World too actually]. In all though, the only White Women acceptable in Abyssinia, are those similar in all again, and to the musician Pink actually, or even truly again, Alecia Beth Moore that is.

Friday 11 October 2013

Tuesday 8 October 2013

The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible.

The Holy Bible (the Family Record Edition) and by World Publishing too, as the Official Bible, and of Abyssinia too that is.

Escapades in the Mara

Escapades in the Mara.

It was a sunny Monday, when out of boredom and in need for adventure too, I did decide to venture into the Maasai Mara. It was while walking around blindly even, and seeking out nothing much in return, I did come across the strangest of sights. Running simply across my path, was none other, than a little Lion Cub, and whose name I would come to ascertain as being 'James' the Little Lion Cub. James in all, did glance at me as he crept and ran by, and I did wonder if anyone else was within our midst, and as if truly wondering, if his mother, or pops even, was anywhere nearby. He running now a distance from me, but not too fast either, and I sensing no other presence, did decide to chase after him, and simply know where he was going to, and in the name of fighting boredom. Ran he did, and I after him, sensing no one else was around to see me do as I did, and with time, he did slow down, and surprisingly enough, decide to take a rest on the grass itself. It is there I did find him, and I did then decide to very much take the photo above of him too. What did happen of James after I did leave, I do not know, but presumably, he did return to his mama and fathers arms, and in many a way too perhaps, he is probably at rest or at peace too. Hopefully, I will come to meet him again, and hopefully too, he will be as gregarious as I will, and on seeing him again. 

Thank you James.

Chip Donaldson

Thursday 3 October 2013

'the Abyssinian'

'the Abyssinian'

The Agnus Dei

Jesus and Abyssinia.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, grant us peace.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world, grant us thy peace.
Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, bearer of our sins, have mercy on us.
Jesus, redeemer of the world, grant us peace.


Prose and Abyssinia.

'the Moor'

Robert Dessaix

Robert Dessaix.

Literature and Abyssinia.

Swahili Aesthetics

Swahili Aesthetics.

Tuesday 1 October 2013



Shrek 2

Shrek 2 and Abyssinia.

- and with Shrek the original movie, very much American in spirit, and with Shrek the Third on the otherhand, more or less European in its ways actually.