Monday 30 September 2013

Victorian Psychology

Victorian Psychology.

For many living in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) today, there is a problem and of just how to go about perceiving oneself, and from the perspective of Psychology too that is. In many a way, speak of Psychology in all, does determine in all again, how we do seek to perceive ourselves, how we spend our time in all (what we like or don't like), how we tend even, to plan out our days, or even again, what kind of suffering in all, we believe is rightful in our lives that is.

In many a way, for many in Abyssinia today, Psychology in all, is poorly even perceived, and from the very perspective even, and of Parental Advisory too [that in many a way, many a person in Abyssinia today, seeks to view or see themselves, and in a similar light, and to how Parental figures in their lives, do believe they very much should be like]. 

In many a way too, speak of Psychology in all, does in many a way even for example, speak of how Psychology in all again, is perceived in Europe too perhaps [and as with European Psychology, having been made rather fashionable in all]. In many a way, European Psychology does speak in all, and of one possessing many a spiritual part to them, and such as the Soul, the Unconscious, the Subconscious etc. While these spiritual parts are in some ways found in religions in other places of the World, they are heavily developed in all, and in European Psychological Thought too that is. In most parts of the World though, Psychology in many a way, is actually perceived and from the perspective even, and of Memory Systems in all, how they actually do work, function or operate even, and as with attempting even to put a Logical structure to them all, and as with it all defining even, just whom we are with others, and with ourselves too that is. 

In Abyssinia though, is to tell one that, living life in all [and as with even whom we are at the present, or even just how choose to Age in all], does differ from Psychology and as seen around most of the World too, and as with it in all ways even, Psychology based around Bonds in all, In all ways, a Psychology, Victorian too, that does attempt to perceive one in all, and from the bonds, attachments, ties, links, connections, affixations etc. that we do have with others and ourselves too, and just how in all again, they tend to affect, limit or even hamper our lives in all that is, and as with Ageing even, truly learning all about, what one is attached too perhaps, which bonds one should break or make, or even what links one should maintain that is.

In all again, Psychology in Abyssinia too, highly even dealing, and with issues pertaining to Addictions that is.