Wednesday 11 September 2013

Addis-Ababa / Mendosa (2)

Addis-Ababa / Mendosa (2).

Addis-Ababa / Mendosa - Peace, Solidarity & Friendship:

To speak of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa, is to attempt to speak in all again, and of the attempt to create a unique Identity for the place actually. That other than attempting to formulate an Identity for Addis-Ababa / Mendosa, and along the lines Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, or even Nairobi in Kenya too, there is probably a fine way in all, and of creating a unique Identity, and for Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too, and as not only truly Ethiopian, but in all ways even, it all unique and from the rest of Ethiopia too, but in many a way too, still very much a part, and of Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) that is.

There are some though, who do attempt to create Identity and for Addis-Ababa today, and as based along the lines of building Skyscrapers, speak of Shopping Malls too, or even truly again, speak of Residential areas, Entertainment spots, and even Monumental spots/places too that is.

This post though, speaks of the attempt to salvage Addis-Ababa, and as now referred to as Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too, and save it all and from the going the route of Modern Nairobi (and as with it having many a Social ill, and as including speak of rather unfriendly people even), or even the route of a Modern/Western City in all again (and as with building an expensive Road network too), and which could see Addis-Ababa in all, and Ethiopia in general too (and as perhaps centered around Addis-Ababa actually), lose its Identity in all, and in many a way, simply come to be a Western backwater of a City [a place in all again, where Western forms of Social Behaviour, and such as open Discrimination too, become an everyday reality, and in all Ethiopia and Addis-Ababa too actually] [In all again, those in Addis-Ababa today, and as with thinking of it all as a Modern/Western City, coming to question in all again, what it means to be Ethiopian, and as with behavioural norms in Modern/Western Cities too, and as perceived civilized in all again, speaking very much of becoming 'White'/Elitist/Stereotypical actually].

In all, the attempt to salvage Addis-Ababa today, and as with it now referred to as Addis-Ababa /Mendosa too, and by associating it in all again, and with what some do term the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit actually [and as with the attempt to have Addis-Ababa /Mendosa, and Ethiopia too, strongly even, retain its ancient Christian Identity actually].

To simply the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit for all (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control), is to associate them in all again, and with certain forms of Materiality too, and that can in all ways even, come to shape the Identity of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too (and as a Christian City that is), but in many a way even, a general way in all again, and of creating Culture in Addis-Ababa /Mendosa (and as with it all speaking of being Fruitful and Abundance), but in all ways even, the very attempt to bring all the peoples in Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too, together in all, and in one way or another that is [and as with simply identifying with each other, and as based around these 9 forms of Materiality actually, and simply in all again, reducing all forms of Social ills, and from Slums to Crime too, and by erasing Class mentalities in all again, and as based around those in Addis-Ababa /Mendosa, recognizing that they are similar to each other, and as based around the proposed 9 forms of Materiality below].

1. Food - Sandwich

2. Instrument - Qanbus

3. The Cross

4. Tree - Jacaranda Tree

5. Emeralds - Green

6. The Decorative Arts

7. Book - The Amplified Bible

8. Doves

9. Rasselas - Prince of Abyssinia

- in all again, the attempt to have Addis-Ababa /Mendosa and Ethiopia in general too, back on its feet, and by attempting in all again, to erase the memory of former President Haile Selassie (and as with he Habesha too), and instead tell those in Addis-Ababa /Mendosa that, Memory in the place, unforgettable too, should very well be along the lines, and of those seen in Rasselas - Prince of Abyssinia too.