Monday 30 September 2013

Victorian Psychology

Victorian Psychology.

For many living in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) today, there is a problem and of just how to go about perceiving oneself, and from the perspective of Psychology too that is. In many a way, speak of Psychology in all, does determine in all again, how we do seek to perceive ourselves, how we spend our time in all (what we like or don't like), how we tend even, to plan out our days, or even again, what kind of suffering in all, we believe is rightful in our lives that is.

In many a way, for many in Abyssinia today, Psychology in all, is poorly even perceived, and from the very perspective even, and of Parental Advisory too [that in many a way, many a person in Abyssinia today, seeks to view or see themselves, and in a similar light, and to how Parental figures in their lives, do believe they very much should be like]. 

In many a way too, speak of Psychology in all, does in many a way even for example, speak of how Psychology in all again, is perceived in Europe too perhaps [and as with European Psychology, having been made rather fashionable in all]. In many a way, European Psychology does speak in all, and of one possessing many a spiritual part to them, and such as the Soul, the Unconscious, the Subconscious etc. While these spiritual parts are in some ways found in religions in other places of the World, they are heavily developed in all, and in European Psychological Thought too that is. In most parts of the World though, Psychology in many a way, is actually perceived and from the perspective even, and of Memory Systems in all, how they actually do work, function or operate even, and as with attempting even to put a Logical structure to them all, and as with it all defining even, just whom we are with others, and with ourselves too that is. 

In Abyssinia though, is to tell one that, living life in all [and as with even whom we are at the present, or even just how choose to Age in all], does differ from Psychology and as seen around most of the World too, and as with it in all ways even, Psychology based around Bonds in all, In all ways, a Psychology, Victorian too, that does attempt to perceive one in all, and from the bonds, attachments, ties, links, connections, affixations etc. that we do have with others and ourselves too, and just how in all again, they tend to affect, limit or even hamper our lives in all that is, and as with Ageing even, truly learning all about, what one is attached too perhaps, which bonds one should break or make, or even what links one should maintain that is.

In all again, Psychology in Abyssinia too, highly even dealing, and with issues pertaining to Addictions that is.

Sunday 29 September 2013



Punk music, and as with it even representing the sounds of Nature in Abyssinia, Audio-Video experiences in Abyssinia, and also Belief Systems in many a way too really.

Systematic Theology

Systematic Theology.

A Political History of Abyssinia (and as with speak even, of Abyssinian Political Imagery, and at the local levels too).



The general spirit of the place that is.



The late Princess Diana, and recommendable speech patterns, and for cultured Women in Abyssinia too.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Avengers of the New World

Avengers of the New World.

Gender, Race, Age and Class, and in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) and the Island of Pemba too.

Thursday 26 September 2013

Imperial Reckoning

Imperial Reckoning.

The History of Colonial Kenya, is one rather turbulent in its ways. In many a way, it has never been truly told as it did truly happen even, and as with viewing it all, and as Warring even, and between the British, and the Kikuyu peoples of Kenya too that is. In many a way though, the best way to view this History, is from the lenses of Gender, Race, Age and Class too.

To speak of Gender issues and Colonial Kenya, is to in many a way even, speak of how Masculinity and Feminity were defined in all, or even Sexuality in itself too actually. In many a way, two competing spheres do arise here in all, and where Gender in many a way, is favourably viewed from a Victorian perspective, while Gender and as seen amongst the Kikuyu peoples in all, is in many a way denounced actually.

To speak of Race in Colonial Kenya, is to speak in all again, and of whom truly did belong in Kenya that is. In all, an unknown history of Kenya, and very much involving the Swahili people to be seen along the Swahili Coast in all, and as with they even responsible for bringing many a Migrant Labourer, and from the Middle East and Asia too, and into Kenya, and in many a way creating dissension in all and as with regards to whom did truly belong in Kenya that is. On one side, you have Italian/European groups who did want to settle in Kenya and make it rather European in all, and on the otherside speak of these Migrant Labourers from Asia and the Middle East (and some African too), and who very much are Sub-Saharan African in their looks, and as with they believing Africa in general to be their home that is, but with a final view of all this, speaking of actual Indigenous groups of peoples in Kenya, and such as the Maasai for instance, and in many a way even, giving birth to questions in all, and of just where in all again, any of these three groups in all, should actually be settled that is. In all, one could say that, those who truly do belong in Kenya, should have a physical look in all, somewhat resembling groups found in Somalia, Ethiopia, and the Maasai of Kenya too that is.

To speak of Age in Colonial Kenya, is to very much speak of those respected in all, and in Kenyan Colonial Society too (and as with it represented even, and by Touristic spots in Nairobi, and such as the Norfolk Hotel for instance), very much somewhat truly American in their ways even (and as with speak even of Ernest Hemingway for instance), but with many who are not American in their ways, and as with speak even of many an ambitious Migrant African in all, very much presenting themselves as Nubian actually. In many a way even, speak of the attempt to educate Migrant African groups in Kenya, and along the lines of becoming somewhat Nubian in respectability, and as with Independence in Kenya in all, not truly speaking of the Kikuyu peoples of Kenya (and as with most if not all, coming in from Asia and the Middle East, and even the Sudan and the Congo too), but in all ways even, Independence in all, given by the British and to those very much Nubian in their ways actually [and as with Independence even, very much speaking of giving Migrant Labourer groups in Kenya, Self-Images of Respect in all that is]. 

To speak of Class and as seen in Colonial Kenya, is to speak of the British in all, and as controlling the Kenyan Colonial Government, and in many a way even, speak of the British creating a Wealth Base in Colonial Kenya, and that was supported and by Migrant Labour into Kenya too, and in many a way even, the British now attempting to create a segregated society in all, and in many a way too, giving birth to a Kenya in all, where its peoples are viewed as being primarily White or Black that is [and with those said White, part of the British Wealth Base that is, and with those said Black, either struggling to forment business oriented relations with the British, or in many a way even, the very attempt to create their own Wealth Base that is] [and all this too, specifically referring to politics in all, and as seen in the city of Nairobi that is, and as with further speak even, and of its rise as one of Africa's major cities that is].

In all, the above issues, and especially those pertaining to Race (and speak even of the Mau Mau), and Gender too (and speak even of 'Tribal' Language issues in Kenya and as versus Victorian English that is), did give rise to a rather even violent society, and with rampant killings to be seen all over places the Kenyan Colonial Government did operate in, and which did in all lead to the situation described in the work 'Imperial Reckoning' and by Caroline Elkines too, and in all again resulting in 'Imperial Britains' Gulag in Kenya, and as with it targeted towards the Kikuyu peoples of Kenya specifically, and in many a way even, truly speaking of a Christian Religious solution to this problem, and as versus a Political solution, and which is implemented and with Independence in Kenya too that is.

Monday 23 September 2013



The Dinosaurs TV Show: Cheap Entertainment and Abyssinia.



- the very face of Evil, and in Abyssinia too.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Christians

The Christians.


Addis-Ababa / Mendosa (3)

Addis-Ababa / Mendosa (3).

The general Spirit, and of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too.

Addis-Ababa / Mendosa (2)

Addis-Ababa / Mendosa (2).

Addis-Ababa / Mendosa - Peace, Solidarity & Friendship:

To speak of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa, is to attempt to speak in all again, and of the attempt to create a unique Identity for the place actually. That other than attempting to formulate an Identity for Addis-Ababa / Mendosa, and along the lines Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, or even Nairobi in Kenya too, there is probably a fine way in all, and of creating a unique Identity, and for Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too, and as not only truly Ethiopian, but in all ways even, it all unique and from the rest of Ethiopia too, but in many a way too, still very much a part, and of Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) that is.

There are some though, who do attempt to create Identity and for Addis-Ababa today, and as based along the lines of building Skyscrapers, speak of Shopping Malls too, or even truly again, speak of Residential areas, Entertainment spots, and even Monumental spots/places too that is.

This post though, speaks of the attempt to salvage Addis-Ababa, and as now referred to as Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too, and save it all and from the going the route of Modern Nairobi (and as with it having many a Social ill, and as including speak of rather unfriendly people even), or even the route of a Modern/Western City in all again (and as with building an expensive Road network too), and which could see Addis-Ababa in all, and Ethiopia in general too (and as perhaps centered around Addis-Ababa actually), lose its Identity in all, and in many a way, simply come to be a Western backwater of a City [a place in all again, where Western forms of Social Behaviour, and such as open Discrimination too, become an everyday reality, and in all Ethiopia and Addis-Ababa too actually] [In all again, those in Addis-Ababa today, and as with thinking of it all as a Modern/Western City, coming to question in all again, what it means to be Ethiopian, and as with behavioural norms in Modern/Western Cities too, and as perceived civilized in all again, speaking very much of becoming 'White'/Elitist/Stereotypical actually].

In all, the attempt to salvage Addis-Ababa today, and as with it now referred to as Addis-Ababa /Mendosa too, and by associating it in all again, and with what some do term the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit actually [and as with the attempt to have Addis-Ababa /Mendosa, and Ethiopia too, strongly even, retain its ancient Christian Identity actually].

To simply the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit for all (Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control), is to associate them in all again, and with certain forms of Materiality too, and that can in all ways even, come to shape the Identity of Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too (and as a Christian City that is), but in many a way even, a general way in all again, and of creating Culture in Addis-Ababa /Mendosa (and as with it all speaking of being Fruitful and Abundance), but in all ways even, the very attempt to bring all the peoples in Addis-Ababa / Mendosa too, together in all, and in one way or another that is [and as with simply identifying with each other, and as based around these 9 forms of Materiality actually, and simply in all again, reducing all forms of Social ills, and from Slums to Crime too, and by erasing Class mentalities in all again, and as based around those in Addis-Ababa /Mendosa, recognizing that they are similar to each other, and as based around the proposed 9 forms of Materiality below].

1. Food - Sandwich

2. Instrument - Qanbus

3. The Cross

4. Tree - Jacaranda Tree

5. Emeralds - Green

6. The Decorative Arts

7. Book - The Amplified Bible

8. Doves

9. Rasselas - Prince of Abyssinia

- in all again, the attempt to have Addis-Ababa /Mendosa and Ethiopia in general too, back on its feet, and by attempting in all again, to erase the memory of former President Haile Selassie (and as with he Habesha too), and instead tell those in Addis-Ababa /Mendosa that, Memory in the place, unforgettable too, should very well be along the lines, and of those seen in Rasselas - Prince of Abyssinia too.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Durnham-Nairobi (3)

Durnham-Nairobi (3).


Nairobi today, is a place in all, strongly associated even, and with various a Landmark and of a kind too. For many, Nairobi in all, can be said to be primarily viewed, and from the very perspective of the Holy Family Basilica, the Co-operative House, the Nation Center, the I&M Bank Tower, and finally in all again, the Nairobi National Park too.

Below though, is a proposal, and on just how to go about seeing Durnham-Nairobi and in its entirety too.

1. The All Saints Cathedral.

2. Strathmore School.

3. Jamia Mosque.

4. The Sarit Center.

5. The Carnivore Restaurant.