Monday 24 December 2012



Numbers & 'Number Theory':

Counting: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8...........

Numbering: 0, 0.5, 1, 1.3, 1.7, 2, 2.8, 3, 3.2, 3.7..........

Tallying: 0,1,2,3,5,7,11, 17, 19, 23, 29....................

Friday 21 December 2012



Africana in many a way, is a term that must not be confusd, and for the 'African Diaspora', or even Trans-Atlantic Africans either.It in many a way, and if not all that is, can be said to be based around Lesotho, Swaziland, and Botswana three. Lesotho, and as with this refrerring even, and to generic African Designs, Swaziland, and as with this referring again, and to generic African Rhythm, Soul & Spirit, and finally Botswana, and as with this referring in all truly even, and to generic African culture in all {and not Nigeria either}.

In all, Africana, does refer, and to just how African cultures, have come to Influence other cultures out there, and this must not be confused again and with the 'African Diaspora', or even Trans-Atlantic African Presences either, and with latter two in all again, the 'African Diaspora' and Trans-Atlantic Africans three, referring in all again, and  to African Cultural Presences in all, and in places outside Africa in itself, while Africana in all again, does speak of Influence actually, and not Presences either. In all, a good example of Africana, being Simon & Garfunkel, and a band whose many a Song, has been inspired, and by music in all again, emanating from Lesotho, Swaziland, and Botswana three.

'Trans-Atlantic Africans':

The African Diaspora:

Sunday 2 December 2012

True Blue

True Blue Madonna.

True Blue Madonna, a Moor's fantasy girl perhaps {and not a dream girl either}.

Tuesday 27 November 2012


Ovation Guitars.

Prince - I would die 4 you

Saturday 24 November 2012


the European Winter.

If one was to ask a Moor, what is their favourite thing in all and about Europe too is, then the answer to the query in all, would then probably in all truly be, "the European Winter".

Sunday 18 November 2012


N. Scherzinger.

Nicole Scherzinger (Uzbekistan)

'the Moor'

Friday 16 November 2012



European Metal/Rock Band {and of the 'From Russia with love' variety too}, and not an American Rock/Metal Band, or even an American Metal/Rock Band either {and as is the case with Guns n' Roses and Metallica too respectively}.

Thursday 15 November 2012



For those in South America, and of all kinds of skin colours or hues even, and who in many a way truly wonder, just how perhaps, to fit into European society in all, is to in all ways then perhaps, introduce them and to the 'Complete Pelican Shakespeare' Work, and as a fine way too that is, and of helping them learn to distinguish between their being South American in all, and on the otherhand, their adapting of many an European norm, manners and ways too that is. In all, for those in South America, and probably obsessed too much (and as with speak even, and of a Politician too perhaps), obsessed with being European that is, is to in all ways then perhaps state that, the 'Complete Pelican Shakespeare' Work posted above in all, can in many a way truly then, help them, in formenting and creating in all, South American Identities, and distinct too in all again, and from those seen in Europe too that is {and all this said too, and from a rather Religious perspective too that is}.

 'the Moor'

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi.

Very much of Italian origins in all {and as are its members too that is}, and not of European or American, origins truly either {and as the Media is won't to make one believe that is}. 

And with Roxette too, very much what European Rock is like, and with Aerosmith on the otherhand, very much what American Rock is truly like. 

Monday 12 November 2012

Mass Media

Mass Media.

Mass Media {and as is the case of an Open-air Market in itself, an Open-air Market stall too, or even a Comic/Cartoon strip three), and 18th-19th Century Revolutionary France.

Trading Bloc

 Trading Bloc.

This in many a way, does speak of a proposed Trading Bloc, and between Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and on the otherhand Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi & Mozambique too. A Trading Bloc, at the very least speaking of product exchanges, and as based around Agricultural & Animal products, Textiles, Mass Media (and as with saying that, most of the produce one does find in many an African Market, does fall under Mass Media actually), and finally in all again the Design Industries {they being wide in range and scope, and at the very least, all this speaking of Publishing, and also the very viewing of Design too, and from mainly a Content perspective that is}.

Thursday 8 November 2012



  or in many a way, what one could very well call American Voices, Genes and American Blood/Heart too actually.

'the Moor'

Wednesday 7 November 2012




Gentildonna to the Moor, and Signora to the rest perhaps.

Wednesday 3 October 2012



Uzbekistan (Central Asia), and concepts of the Divine too.

'the Moor'

The Globe

The Globe.

The Globe in three parts:

  To speak of the Globe, is to perhaps in difficult manner too, speak of it from the very perspective, and of Global Media (somewhat truly Individual in its ways), Global Cultural formations (and as with this referring even, to Global events), and finally in all again, Global Communications too (they being somewhat, of the Institutional variety too that is}. In all again, is to say that, the Globe, and as it very well is today, has very much come in all, and to be shaped by the very world too, and of the Roman Empire/Civilization that is. In many a way though, the Globe does find itself, and as not functioning in a rather coherent manner too perhaps, and as with saying that, the Roman Empire/Civilization styled Globe in all, and that we do inhabit today that is, did or does, very much require, the very Humour too, and of the Caesars in themselves that is, and to very much make it truly operational too actually {and as with the Caesars in themselves, no longer with us that is}.

In all ways even, is to recommend a change/shift in mind/consciousness in all, and as with regards to the Globe too, and by in all ways even, associating it all, and with what they do call Byzantium {or Byzantine Civilization in its Greek form too, and not in its European form truly either}, and as with perhaps asking many a Leader and in just about any place out there too (and as including a Community too perhaps), to truly know that, truly understanding the Globe in many a way (and as with somewhat reading a Global Publication too perhaps), is the very key in all, needed to fully start believing in making anything dream't up or desired too, rather real actually {and as with speak even, and of a step-by-step procedure too, very much consisting of Global Media in itself, Global Cultural formations too, and also Global Communications in themselves that is}.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Status and Abyssinia.

To speak of Status and Abyssinia, is to in all again perhaps, refer to just how in all, to go about ranking anything in all again, and to be seen in Abyssinian daily life too. That in many a way, that life in all again, daily life too that is, and in Abyssinia too, and as one too, highly based around having Political Stances in all, does call in many a way even, and for the Individual ranking of things actually, and as to be seen in Abyssinia too that is. The end result in many a way, could be said to lead to the creation of many a Watchdog organization in all, and as groups of individuals in all too, do get together and in the attempt in all again, to best ascertain in all, how to go about the ranking of things in all, and in general too that is.

In many a way too, one could very well say that, Status in itself, can be said in many a way, to constitute in all again, and of 7 main definers in all, and as with they truly even, stated as follows: Prominence, Influence, Eminence, Merit, Stature, Station and Estate too. In all, what will be attempted below {and as with speak furtherly even, and of the UN, World Bank and IMF Metric Systems too}, will be the attempt in all again, to figure out just how best in all, those in Abyssinia in all again {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}, can very well go about ranking just about anything too, and to be seen not only in Abyssinia in itself, but also very much outside it too that is {and all this too, and as compared in all again, and to the using of just about any Internationally ranked Metric System too that is}.

In all, speak of Prominence and Abyssinia, does in many a way even, speak of Abyssinia and the neighbouring Region of the Middle East too, and as with this in all again, truly referring to many a Political Title to be seen in that Region, the Middle East that is, and as with the Title even, and of the Sultan perhaps, or even the Pasha too, capable of not only shadowing many a Political Title to be seen in Abyssinia today that is, but in many a way even, speak too even, and as with speak furtherly even of racial differences in all, and of the Middle East attempting in all again, attempting to somewhat overshadow in all, anything that does occur, and within Abyssinia too that is {and as with this referring even, and to just about any form of Political Interference in all that is}.

Speak of Influence in many a way, does speak of just how to go about solving any ranking oriented problem in all perhaps (or just about any other problem too), and as with this in many a way even, speaking of the presence of Islam and within Abyssinia too that is, and as with it in all, Abyssinia that is, truly said Christian, and when it does come in many a way even, and to the solving of just about any problem too that is{that in all, there are those who do practise Islam in all again, and who are in many a way too, rather antagonistic, and towards the Christian world that is}{In all, Islam and as rather decentralized in nature, and speaking in many a way even, and of those against Abyssinia in all, seeking to use Islam perhaps, to help destabilize Abyssinia, and as with furtherly stating that, Christian Abyssinia in many a way, does seek to study Islam in many a way (and via Abyssinian Christian Fundamentalism Islam too), and as with the attempt truly even, to put it all, and into its proper perspective that is, and rather than engage in many a mindless game in all, and of Islam too, and and as said World Power in itself too that is}.

Eminence in many a way, does refer to Public Opinion in all, and as with regards to just about anything too that is. The very belief that, some peoples/individuals in all, are racially superior to other perhaps, or even truly again, just how to go about limiting certain forms of persuasion in all, and as having to do with Sexuality for instance, or even Money in itself too (its flagrant display that is), and when it does come in all again, to helping forment, any form of Public Opinion too that is. In all ways truly even, arguments in all again, both at home and away, and of Abyssinia too, and as the fabled land of the Moor that is.

Merit in many a way, does speak of Importance issues, and as with regards to everyday living, and within Abyssinia in itself too that is. That in all, some folks in all again, might deem some matter to be of great Importance, and on a local scale too, while others in all again, might very well be obsessed instead, and with International matters in many a way, and as with ranking them, and to be of greater Importance in all, and than any local matter to be seen too that is. In all, the attempt in all again, to truly ascertain, just how truly important in all, any form of work or occupation too, any Cultural existence in all again, or even any Historical event in itself too that is, is to Abyssinia in general too that is {and as with truly attempting even, to truly discern, Patriotism issues in all, and within Abyssinia in itself too that is}.

Stature in many a way, does refer to just whom or what in all again, is believed to be of true Benefit in all, and when it does come to not only the ranking of things in all again, but in many a way even, to the solving of many a difficult problem too that is. In many a way really, this truly referring even, and to Leadership and as seen within Christian Abyssinia too, coming to accept solutions in all again, and to a difficult problem too that is, and from sources within Abyssinia, not truly Christian in their ways, or even from outside Abyssinia in itself too that is.

Station in all, does refer to just how in all again, to actually go about defining and ranking in many a way even, ones present State in life that is. That in all, how one does go about defining or ranking ones State in life, does speak in all ways truly even, and of taking into consideration the Historical, the Temporary, and even Past/Present/Future states in all too really. That in many a way, all this in itself, a Science of kind too perhaps, and as with this truly referring even, and to having a Time perspective in all again, and as with regards truly even, and to any form of problem solving too, and as having to do with ones Station in life that is, or truly even, ones overall State in life too actually.

Estate in many a way truly even, does truly speak of just how best in all, to go about ranking in all again, just about any form or kind of Wealth too, and to be seen in Abyssinia too that is. That in all, what does truly constitute Wealth in Abyssinia, and in many a way too, does speak of what can be said to have been Wealth in the past, the present, or even in the future too actually. But in many a way truly even, all this taking into consideration many an issue too, and as having to do with Inheritance in itself, and as based around Race, Colour & Gender issues too actually.

In all perhaps, and in helping those in Abyssinia too {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'} truly think of Status and within their lives in all again, is to perhaps in many a way too, associate Status issues in Abyssinia, and with those seen in the past too, and in Christian Boston America that is {that in many a way even, the very history of Boston, America, and as with regards to Status issues too, does in many a way truly even, mirror that to be seen in Abyssinia too, and to some extent too that is}. In all, before those in Abyssinia in all again, can truly understand Status in itself, is to perhaps best show in all again, just how chaotic in all, an Abyssinia without proper definitions of Status in itself too, can truly get {and as with it somewhat truly American in this manner too that is}.

The Savannah:

 The Plains:

The Arid areas:


Clotel {and as with this in many a way too, shadowing or mirroring in all, Status issues, and as seen Historically too, and in 'the Savannah' that is, and as with regards truly even, and to the relationship between the Sexes, and as with all this too, rather Cultural in its ways too that is (and with Gender on the otherhand, mainly referring to just how a Man or a Woman in all, is supposed in all again, to Communicate in all, and so as to be perceived in all again, and as a normal Man or Woman too that is)}; The Spy {and as with this referring in many a way even, and to Status and in 'the Plains' too, highly defined in all again, and as based around ones Values & Belief Systems in all, and as with speak too, and of how one does perceive Oneself too that is}; The Octopus {and as with Status issues in the 'Arid areas' too, in many a way truly even, having to do with just how best to define Equality in all, and as with regards truly even, to Service in itself too, and as with this referring furtherly even, and to perception issues too, and as based around most forms of Indigenous Identities too that is};

Sunday 30 September 2012

Mother Nature

Mother Nature.

Mother Nature in all, and in Abyssinia too, and as it truly is.

Friday 28 September 2012



Etiquette & Abyssnia.

The Qu'ran (Penguin Hardback Classics) by Tarif Khalidi.

The Humours

The Humours.

These Victorian edited pieces of Prose (and not Poetry truly), do in many a way even, speak of Humour in all, and as seen in Abyssinia too that is.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Africa (2)

Africa (2).



The Dearthly Experience:

Most out there, never do truly think of Death, and as an everyday experience too that is. That in all, the very base belief that, at just about any moment alive, we are also in many a way truly even, dying actually. To help make this much clearer, is to not only present it and from Birth-Death-ReBirth Cycles too that is, but in all ways truly even, from equating Death in all, and to a hurtful state too, and such as a Loss too that is. That while in most of the World, everyday Death is taken from the very perspective and of Profit & Loss too, in Africa (both Abyssinia and the rest of Africa too), Death in many a way, does take the very form, and of the Relevant, and the Irrelevant respectively too {that in all again, while Death in most of the World, does speak of everyday profit and loss in all, in Abyssinia, Death is encountered, and only if, one truly does fail to take into account, what is truly relevant, and in just about any scenario too, while in the rest of Africa in all again, and outside Abyssinia too that is, death is always truly encountered, and when one does fail in all, to truly discern even, what is truly irrelevant, and to just about any situation too that is}.

In all again, is to tell those in Abyssinia {'the Savannah', 'the Plains', the 'Arid areas'}that, the Al-Hadith compilations (4 volume set), and by one Maulana Fazlul Karim too {and works too of Arab/Swahili origins that is}, can in many a way truly even, help one discern in all, what is truly relevant in all again, and when it does come, to everyday living too, and in Abyssinia too that is.

General Communications

General Communications.

Victorian identities & Abyssinia:

To speak of General Communications and Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too, is to in all ways even mention that, they do differ in all, and from many a place seen out there in the World too actually {and as including Oman too that is}. That in all, General Communications, and in many a place outside Abyssinia too, does in many a way even, take the very form of mere interactions, mere formalities, mere engagements or even mere exchanges in general too. In Abyssinia though, one does find that General Communications in all, are of the Officiating kind actually {that while in many a way, mere engagements, mere formalities etc., do exist in Abyssinia, and taking an Omani form too that is, the correct way to engage in General Communications and in Abyssinia, is via the Officiating in all, and of just about any form of cultural or formal interactions too that is} {that while in Abyssinia, and at a Cafe restaurant too for instance, one is in many a way even, required to make an order in all, and along the lines too, of Officiating such an interaction that is (that in all, rather than make a direct order, one should in many a way even, query the person taking the order in all again, and on the specifics too, and of the order been made that is)}.

In having said this, is to also let those in Abyssinia know that, the Norton Critical Editions works in all, are actually not only authentic Victorian works (and as with re-writings too perhaps), but in all ways truly even, can truly help those in Abyssinia in all, develop Officiating skills in all again, and that are truly required in all, to make everything in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too, to function, operate or work even, and as well as it should that is {and as with minimal problems too, and as arising in all again and as with clarity and clearness in all, and as with regards, to General Communications too that is}.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Popular Imagery

Popular Imagery.

Southern Africa:

Central Africa:

 Western Africa:

Northern Africa:

Eastern Africa:


Popular Imagery in all, and as with it all representing truly, what one is most likely to come across more often than not, and as with it all even, a presumed everyday experience too that is.

Southern Africa: Batik Art {and as compared to popular images of African Tribespeople in all, or even Southern African Cities too perhaps}; Central Africa: Wood Carvings {and as compared to images of Central African Music/Musicians, or even Central African Sporting events too}; Western Africa: Sculpture {and as compared to popular images of Western African Fashions, or even West African Foods & West African celebrities}; Northern Africa: North African Horses/War Horses {and as compared to popular images of Northern African Architecture, or even Northern African Tribal Dress in all}; Eastern Africa: Beers {and as compared to popular images of Club Entertainment & Family life, or even Eastern African Tourism/Wildlife too}; Abyssinia: Herbal Teas, Teas & Coffees {and as compared to popular images of 'Nyama Choma' Eating Dens, or even Elitist figures/parties too that is}.

Timely Events

Timely Events.

Timely Events and Abyssinia {and as with this referring even, and to Current Events too for instance}.



The rise of the Modern/Urban American City:

What they do term Sharecropping in all, is an experience in all again perhaps, that does arise, and in now post-antebellum America too that is. What this does truly mean is that, with the abolition of Slavery in America, Sharecropping, and as a Prison oriented System too, does arise, but with those involved in Sharecropping, not former Slaves either (many now even, part of a small Community in America too that is), but in all again, new Slaves perhaps, and as not only coming in from Asia (but via South Africa too), but also in all ways even, from the Middle East in itself actually.

What does happen in many a way though, and with this new group, is the very rise in all, and of Modern/Urban American Cities too. That these Sharecroppers, would come to influence Modern/Urban American Cities, and in more ways than one in all, could truly believe perhaps, and as with stating that, many a modern American City in all again, does have Rhythms, Soul and Spirit to it, and as arising from Be-pop, Soul and Swing Music too that is, and as with furtherly stating that, many a Modern/Urban American City in all again, does have to it, 'speech patterns' in all, and similar to those, and of former Sharecroppers too that is (and as with these 'speech patterns' in all again, mirroring those seen in the Middle East too actually), but that in all again, many an Accent and in many a Modern/Urban American City too, very much now having its roots, and amongst former Black Asian Sharecroppers too that is {and as with many a Modern/Urban American City too, not truly American in most ways, and due to 'speech patterns' issues in most ways even (they mirroring those in the Middle East), but even Accents issues too that is} {In many a way too, if Philadelphia can be said to be a traditional American City, a rather fine good example of a Modern/Urban American City, is Atlanta in most ways truly even}.

In many a way though, unknown to most too, America's Jazz, RnB/Blues or even Pop Music revolutions in all, were always based around small City and Town America actually, and did not actually arise, and with the so termed Black Experience in America, and within Modern/Urban American Cities too that is {that in all again, Modern/Urban American Cities, and as highly defined by Be-Bop Music, Soul Music and Swing Music too, and with it all, mirroring Music too, and as heard in the Middle East, and parts of Asia too that is}.

In many a way too, Modern/Urban American Cities in all, and as the meeting place in all again, and for differing Communities, Communals etc. (and as described in the entry below),and as America and as a whole in all, segregated as such too that is {and as with many a Modern/Urban American City too, highly Minority in size/population, and not White actually, and as many an outsider to modern America in all, might be made to believe that is}.

Modern/Urban American Cities & the Swing, Soul, Be-Bop sound:

Small Community America and American Pop Music:

Monday 24 September 2012

Trans-Atlantic Africans

Trans-Atlantic Africans.

African Global Presences:

Many of those who do live within the Continent of Africa, do in many a way even, appear not to have a proper clue, and on just how to go about living in the place. That in all again perhaps, many of those living within Africa, do approach the whole experience, and from a rather comfort seeking perspective too that is. That in all ways even again, Pain in all, and within Africa too, has very much come to be defined in all, and by the seeking of comfort too, and in the form of Touristic Entertainment and Tourism in itself that is {that in all ways even, Pain within Africa today, is poorly envisioned and by those who do live within it, and as with the viewing of Pain in itself  and from the seeking out of comfort and via Touristic Entertainment and Tourism too that is, very much unreligious in its ways actually}{that Pain in all again, should in all be very much viewed, and at the very least too, from Religion in itself, or in all again, from African Religion and as with regards to living within Africa that is}.

In all ways even, all this does refer to the very fact that Pain in Africa, should not only be envisioned from Religion in itself, but in many a way that, outside Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), Religion in many a way, is based around African Designs in all that is {and as with many a Design in all again, perceived even as being evil, and others on the otherhand, not so), while in Abyssinia in all again, Religion in many a way, is based around Oracles in all ways truly even {and in many a way even, speaking of those of Egyptian or Greek-Egyptian origins too that is}{that in all again, those within Africa should open up their minds, and to all possibilities, and as with knowing that, this does speak of free-thinking in all, and as based around African originating Designs/Patterns, and in all ways even, not close their minds to believing that, the only end to be sought out, is that which does truly have its own end, and in the Tourism and Touristic Entertainment sectors too that is} {and with those in Abyssinia in all again, truly envisioning free-thought in all, and as based around the open-ended mindfulness, and of many an Oracle too that is}.

In many a way too, there is something most should note about Africa in itself. That Africa in all again, is actually very much a distinct Continent, and from the rest out there too, but with all this in all again, referring to Africa, but minus Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) too that is. That in all again perhaps, problem solving and within Africa but outside Abyssinia too, is heavily of the Contextual form, while that in Abyssinia and as in the rest of the World too actually, is heavily of the Aesthetic form too {meaning in all again that, problem solving and from the Contextual format in all, does speak truly even, and of looking at everything in question, and from the main goal of putting it all, and into a certain Context or Perspective too, and as with this truly referring even, to putting everything in a problem, and into its proper perspective actually, and such that, on doing this, one can easily see, just how to go around or manouver through in all again, everything in all, to be found within the problem that is} {and with problem solving and as based around the Aesthetic, mainly in all again, referring to habit oriented problem solving that is}. In all, is to tell many a person out there that, the attempts to solve Africa's problems, and minus Abyssinia's too, is bound to fail in all, and as with problem solving within Africa (and minus Abyssinia too), of the Contextual form actually, but with this in all again, referring to what many a person out there, does believe to be African Intelligence that is {the Contextual that is} {but with Egyptian Civilization on the otherhand, having learn't of the Aesthetic, and from the region of Abyssinia in itself too, and as with this in all again, mainly referring to the Greek-Egyptian world actually, and with the rest of Egypt too, and especially Kemet, heavily Contextual in all, and in most of their ways too that is}.In many a way, is to tell those in Africa, if you cannot survive within the Continent, then its best in all again, to get out of it, and seek a new home, and in a new Continent too that is {and as with this in all again, speaking of the inability, and to fully understand the Contextual that is}.

In speaking of Trans-Atlantic Africans, is to in many a way even, speak of African groups, and that did cross the Atlantic Ocean in all, and not as Slaves either. In all again, this very much happening before Slavery does arise in itself {the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that is}, and as with this speaking even of, and of Africans too, many even, a Sailor on a Portuguese or an Arab Ship that is, but with these Trans-Atlantic Africans in all, differing from those involved in the Slave Trade that is, in that, they had Knowledge Systems in all again, heavily based around not only Oracles in themselves, but also Oracles too, very much Contextual in their ways that is {and with those Africans involved in the Slave trade, and as Criminal captives too in all, Africans in all again, heavily acquainted and with African Arts & Design that is, and not African Oracles either} {this latter group, is often referred to as the African Diaspora, while those who were well versed in African Oracles, and were often known as Trans-Atlantic Africans that is}. In all, the latter group again, Trans-Atlantic Africans, forming many a Settlement, and in the Americas too (and often termed Quilombos that is), and as with they even, independent in their ways actually, but truly in all again, helping solve many a problem seen within their new homes in all, and from an Oracle oriented Contextual manner too that is. In many a way too, Africans, and as termed the African Diaspora, Criminal captives too, and sold as Slaves into the Americas, were often employed in high end occupations, and in many a plantation/town too, and as with they even, not only well versed in African Arts & Designs that is (and as with speak too even, of craftmanship, or even, the very act of being responsible for all forms of repairs that is}, and with Slaves coming in from Asia too in all, later on in many a way, termed the Black Diaspora actually, and as with this referring even, to these Black Asian Slaves in all, as somewhat Nubian in their ways too that is (and as with what does make them somewhat African too), and with the African Diaspora too, best culturally seen as being Niger-Kordofanian actually, and with Trans-Atlantic Africans too, possessing Knowledge Systems in all, somewhat Egyptian in their ways actually {and as with Trans-Atlantic Africans too, best associated in Africa in all again, and with many a Religious Cult that is, and as with some in all again, and such as those in Angola too for instance, helping give birth, and to Artforms and such as Capoeira, or the Tango too for instance}.

 In many a way too, a rather interesting way in all, and of studying African Presences in the Americas (and as including North America too), and as with saying that, Racial Politics in America, are best not perceived from Skin Colour or Hair issues too, but in all ways even, from the kind of Political existences in all, to be seen in the whole Region that is. In many a way perhaps, this very much referring to the very fact that, Political existences and in the Americas too and as a whole that is, can be divided and into Territories, Communities, Local Governments, Local Governance, Settlements, and even Communals too that is. In helping explain this much better is to perhaps use America and as a whole too, and as an example of all this, and as with the name America too, and as originating from Boston, America that is, very much speaking of Territories in all, and whereby one does find somewhat Italian and Arthurian existences too, very much in place actually {and as with these Territories too, in many a way charted out, and by Native American Cherokee Tribes that is}{ a good example of a place in America, very much Territorial in its ways, would be Hollywood in America, California that is}. When you do here of speak of Settlements, and in America as a whole too, do first know it does refer, and to the politicized term too, the US, but with Settlement in all again, and in America as a whole too, very much speaking of Trans-Atlantic Africans actually, and as with the very home of the US too perhaps, very much being North Carolina actually {and as with it heavily settled even, and by Trans-Atlantic Africans too that is}. The name the United States of America, is somewhat elitist in its ways, and does speak in all ways even, and of those inhabiting Communals/Enclaves in all, and as seen in America as a whole too that is {and as with this referring even, and to South Carolina, New York/Manhattan, or even Philadelphia for example}. To speak of the United States, does in all ways even speak of special American forces, and such as the Marines too (and as with the modern US Army in all, speaking of the US too that is), but with the United States in all again, speaking of Communities/Neighbourhoods in all, traditional too, and as seen throughout the whole of America and as a whole too that is. You do also have the US of A, and a term in all again, very much immigrant in its ways, and speaking in all ways even, and of recent Immigrants to America and as a whole too, and as living out life in all, and as based around Local Government too, or even perhaps, what they do term Gated Communities that is. Finally, you do have the USA, very much referring to mainly an Urban space in America, and as very much based around Local Governance too, and as with this in all again, referring to the very world of Minorities, and Ethnic Minorities too that is. In all ways even, the above, is a much better way of discerning American Racial Politics in all, and as with further speak too even, and of miscegenation in America, and as with peoples of all hues and colours, belonging to the differing Political existences mentioned above, but with the 60's in many a way even, a time falsely believed to be all about bridging Racial gaps in all (and as the Modern/Western Media often does report that is), truly in all again though, all about bringing down all these differing Political existences, and with the end result in all, being an America as a whole, heavily mired in many a Racial issue too, and as with Politics in America, no longer about differing Political existences in all (and as mentioned above), but in many a way even, the attempt to define American Nationalities in all again, and as based around the Law in itself (and the very world too of Ethnic Minority Rights), Health issues (the very world too of the Black Diaspora, and as versus White Americans/Immigrants too that is), and finally in all again, Education issues (and the very world too, of Minority Rights that is) {that many a successful Settlement and in North Carolina too for instance, now does see itself, forced to accept in all, former Black Asian Slaves in all again, and seeing in all too even, the very decline in living standards in all again, and in very much African (Trans-Atlantic) North Carolina too that is}{and as with furtherly saying that, Music Art forms and such as Jazz for example, have their origins, in the Trans-Atlantic African world, and not the African Diaspora either (and of RnB and Blues Music fame that is), or even the Black Diaspora too (and of Rap Music fame too that is)} {and as with Rap Music too, very much needing a person in all again, very much possessing (Black) Asian speech patterns in all, and not African speech patterns either}.

As a finality though, is to tell those in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia) that, living in Abyssinia, is truly very much about finding self-contained and home-grown solutions too, and to any problem faced that is. That in all, when one does think of the outside World, to in all ways even then, think about it all, and from very much creating Settlements/Quilombos in all again, and outside Abyssinia too that is, and as with saying that, speak of superiority in the World, and in Abyssinia too, does speak in all ways even, and of Abyssinia, housing Aesthetic based Knowledge in all again, very much superior even, and to the rest of the World too that is {that the Aesthetics/Patterns in all, and as seen even and amongst Wildlife and Plant life too, and in Abyssinia that is, is of a higher quality perhaps, and to that seen outside Abyssinia in all that is}. In all, thinking of what the outside World does have to offer one, is pretty much a waste of time and while within Abyssinia too, and as the Psychology of the place in all (speak of basic routine too perhaps), does call for one, to think of the home-grown and self-contained too, and in far more ways in all, and than one could imagine that is {that in all again, if one does find oneself, thinking of a place/region in the outside World, it is best in all again, to form a Settlement/Quilombo there, but with how all this does happen, based around ones solo efforts in all, as one in all again, should not expect too much help in these endeavours, and from every form of government in all, and to be seen in Abyssinia too that is} {and as with furtherly stating that, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia too, do in all ways even, support Dual Citizenship in many a way (and as with this even perhaps, still somewhat being debated in 'Parliament' that is)}.