Thursday 29 August 2013

Durnham-Nairobi (2)

Durnham-Nairobi (2).

The Green City in the Sun:

For many a Kenyan, and as including those outside Kenya in itself too, they in all again, probably do wonder just how to reasonably view Nairobi in itself perhaps, and as a home too that is. That for many, issues of Identity, and as arising too, and with many an Illegal Immigrant even, having invaded Kenya in many a way too, leaving many Kenyans in all truly even, truly wondering, whom they are as Kenyans, and amongst many an alien face too that is.

There are three ways in general, to go about viewing Nairobi (or Durnham-Nairobi too), and Kenya in general that is. These three ways in many a way, do describe whats going in Kenya Politically even, and as with speak too, of learning how to survive in the place that is. These three ways in all again, do speak of the following:

(1). Kenya Vision 2030 
(2). the proposed Kenyan Constitution 
(3). emerging Kenyan Industries

The first, Kenya Vision 2030, is in many a way, a futile attempt even, to develop Kenya. It in many a way too in all, speaks of building a so called World Class Infrastructure in Kenya (but in Nairobi in particular), and a World Class Infrastructure too, that apparently does go along, and with the availability of many a Middle Class job that is. The problem with Kenya Vision 2030 though, is that, first off, its very far away in time, and as with seeing any results from it all too that is. That it in all, and with some of the work on it already in progress, promises in all again, to apparently turn most of Kenya, into a Middle Class Country, but with a failure to realize that, the investing in this so termed World Class Infrastructure in all, and the Middle Class jobs that go along with it, is not being done by Kenyans, but by outsiders to it all, and especially the British/UK that is (that in all, this Infrastructure, and the Wealth created from it, is actually owned by the British/UK, and not Kenyans either, and who will have to find a way, to repay the British for it all too). In many a way too, a project deemed to fail, as there is no proof that the Kenyan Government can build a so termed World Class Infrastructure for all Kenyans, or even provide all Kenyans, and with Middle Class jobs too that is (and as with the belief even that, only about 20% of all Kenyans, will truly benefit from all this).

The proposed Kenyan Constitution on the otherhand, appears to attempt to create Civility and Order in all, and within Kenya today too that is. The problem with this Constitution is that, it is actually inspired, and by the Singaporean Constitution that is, in that, it will attempt in all, to turn Kenya (and Nairobi in particular too), into a heavily Authoritarian State that is (meaning in all again that, they actually will tell you, just how in all, to even to Dress, so as to be accepted in Kenyan society in general that is) [and with the Expatriate Community, perhaps above the Law, and as with regards to all this too].

Thirdly is to speak of emerging Kenyan Industries. That Kenya is not really Industrializing in all again, but instead Modernizing (attempting to become technologically savvy that is, and as with M-Pesa too for instance), but that in all again, these emerging Kenyan Industries in all, are not for all Kenyans, but have their Wealth base in all again, controlled by the Wealthy few, and some in Government/'Serikali' too that is. In all, speak of emerging Kenyan Industries, is futile talk for most Kenyans, as first off, they will never truly benefit monetarily, and from these Industries (with many of them being Export oriented too), and secondly, they only appear, to employ very few numbers of Kenyans in all (and as with a Factory too, having only about 100 employees in all again, and even with 100 Factories so to speak, speak in all again only of 10,000 employees that is, and furtherly too though, many of the good jobs in these Industries, going to the Expatriate Community that is).

What follows below though, is speak in all again, and of what Durnham-Nairobi, truly does stand for. That in all ways even, it attempts to accomodate all Kenyans living in Nairobi, and as with their being Independent too, and in most ways too that is. That it in all again, Durnham-Nairobi that is, stands for profiling in all, and is in all ways even, all about creating an Identity, that one very much, can use to survive on (that many Kenyans today, so struggle with the issue of Identity, and other than having a Family based Identity, or even a Tribal one too that is) [but with most Kenyans too, not caring too much in most ways, and for any of these two Identities that is].

A Constitutional Profile of Durnham-Nairobi:

Proposed below again, a Constitutional manner, and of looking at life in Nairobi (or Durnham-Nairobi too that is), and that in many a way, can help those in Durnham-Nairobi in all again, truly know just how to live their lives, and without being dependent on Government/'Serikali' too, and for just about most things too that is (that 'Serikali', and since Independence too, has proven a huge disappointment, and for most Kenyans too that is).

1. Language: It is recommended in all again that, those in Durnham-Nairobi, learn how to speak Victorian English. That in many a way today too, most Kenyans in Nairobi in all, do actually speak Australian English (and not British English either), and a variety of English too, not suited for Kenya, as most out there in all, have no true idea and of just how Australian Society in all again, has evolved (that Australian Society too, and alongside Australian English that is, has evolved mainly from it all actually being a Slave Society, and with Australia today in general too, highly discriminative in nature that is) [that Australia, and until the 80's even, did have a policy in all again that did state that, only White skinned peoples in all, could immigrate to Australia that is]. That those in all again, who do speak so termed Kenyan English (which actually is Australian in origins too, and as with speak of Kenya's Colonial Government housing many an Australian and not a British citizen either, and as many are made to believe that is), are in many a way too, racist, prejudiced and ignorant in their ways in general, and when it does come in all again, to actually dealing with people in general that is. In all again, Victorian English too, and as a rather intelligent form of English that is, and one too, when spoken in all, will not only result in Civility and Order in Kenya, but also a Kenya too, filled with rather intelligent peoples in it that is.

2. Dress: Kenya today, has undergone in many a way, a futile attempt in all, in attempting that is, to create a National Dress for all. It all in many a way, has failed in all this, and due to the attempt, to Africanize Kenya in all, when Kenyans in many a way, are more or less similar in attitude, and to Europeans too, and especially the Victorians that is. In all, what is proposed here, is Dress for those in Durnham-Nairobi, and that is inspired in all again, and by British Dress too (that it in all, is rather well suited even, and for those in Durnham-Nairobi too that is). In many a way too, a further recommendation that, rather than going the Western route, and which does have Men and Children dressing around Women (or simply Women dressing up Men and Children that is), that instead, Women and Children, should learn how to dress around Men actually.

3. Speech: Many in Kenya today, and in Nairobi too, do have problems, and as with regards truly even, and to what they do call Speech that is (or even Voice in general too actually). That unless, you kind of have an American accent in all, or even a European one too, then one in many a way, is generally discriminated against, even when it does come, to searching for a Job for instance that is. In many a way too, discrimination in the Western World, is highly based around Speech, and speak of Superiority and Inferiority too, does in many a way, have to do with Speech and Voice issues too that is (that in all, one can be intelligent for instance, and due to speaking Victorian English too, but still find themselves feeling Inferior, due to Speech/accent and Voice issues that is). A difficult problem to solve in many a way though, but for those in Durnham-Nairobi, is to propose a kind of Speech/accent and Voice in all too, similar to that seen in Television shows and such as 'Mind your Language' for instance, or even, in the Qu'ran posted below that is (and by one Abdullah Yusuf Ali too) [that in many a way, those feeling inferior in Kenya/Nairobi at the moment, should simply know that its all about Speech/accent and Voice issues, and that the proposed form of Speech above, can help solve many of their Iferiority/Superiority complex issues that is].

4. Ethnic Background: To speak of Ethnic Background in all again is to speak of just how best in all, to go about viewing the peoples in Nairobi (and Kenya too), and as with what even, does constitute Reality, and as with regards to the differences between us all that is. That in many a way, those in Nairobi today in all again (and even Kenya too), do go about viewing most Kenyans, and from the perspective of Tribal mentalities, and as with the belief even that the Kikuyus peoples of Kenya for instance, are simply superior to the rest of us (and when in reality, the rise of the Kikuyu to prominence in all again, very much has to do, and with their having had close contacts even, and with the former Kenyan Colonial Government too that is). However though, and in the attempt in all again, to create a properly working Nairobi for all, is to propose that the differences between us all, best be perceived, and from the perspective of Skin Colour too. That Nairobi and Kenya in general, can be divided into those with Brown skins, those with Brown-Black/'Chocolate brown' skins, those with Black skins, and finally those with White skins too that is. In the attempt to make this all a reality, and as with those who view Kenya and Nairobi and from a Tribal perspective too, feeling disempowered in general that is (and unless they are Kikuyu too that is), is to tell one that, Skin Colour in Kenya, can easily be Politicized, and from the very perspective of its Policing forces that is. That in all again, the so termed AP (Administrative Police), actually do deal with Brown skinned Kenyans in all, while the Regular Police (Blue Shirts), actually do deal with those with Brown-Black/'Chocolate brown' skins, and with the so called CID (and as including the Law Society of Kenya too), dealing in many a way, and with Black skinned Kenyans too actually, and finally, with many a Private Security firm in Kenya, dealing with White skinned populations in Kenya too that is.

5. Occupation: issues of Employment in all again, and in Kenya and Nairobi too, continues to be a big problem, and for most too that is. That most in all again, do think of a Middle Class employment in all, and as with speak too, of being Educated that is. However though is to tell those in Durnham-Nairobi that (and alongside most Kenyans too), that one in all, is capable in all again, and of finding work too, if and only if, its an Occupation that is (meaning in all again, any kind of work, and that does go along, and with what they do call Equipment/Gear, and not Tools or Machines/Machinery either). That in all again, one can be self-employed in all, if and only if, one truly does know how to use Equipment/Gear and of all kinds too that is (and as with speak even, and of being creative in all that is) [and as with Computers in many a way too, a form of Gear too actually].

6. Society: Society in Nairobi and in Kenya today, is highly based around Club Entertainment, Drinking holes/spots and finally in all again, Home Parties of all kinds too that is. In Durnham-Nairobi though, is the attempt in all again, to merge Society, and alongside Religious Identity too. That Society in Durnham-Nairobi, should consist of the Hotel scene, Restaurants and finally Religious Bodies/Organizations too (and as with their holding even, a social occasion of a kind too that is). In all again, Religion, and as practised mainly through Society in itself too actually.

7. Liaisons: for those living in Nairobi and Kenya today, they probably do realize that there is big even, problem too, and when it does come, to Communicating with others. That proper Communications in all, is not about having Cellphones all over, but instead, all about learning how to have others, and in general too, see things in ones way that is. For those in Durnham-Nairobi though, is to recommend in all again, what they do term Liaisons (and as opposed to depending on 'Serikali' too, and in attempting to do anything big that is). That in all again, Liaisons too, as not Sexual or Familial in their ways even, but instead Congenial/Friendly too, and as with associating all this even, and with what they do call Deliberations that is (and as with they even consisting of as few as two people in general that is). In all again, something not too easy to explain, but probably the source below, could be of great help and with regards to all this.

8.Status: there is many a serious issue, and as with regards even, and to Status, and as seen in Modern Nairobi and Kenya today too. That those considered as having Status, are in many a way favoured in all again, and when it comes to just about every facet of life that is (and as with regards even, to what Schools they do attend, where they choose to live, or even again, which friends they are capable of having that is). In many a way today too, and in Nairobi and Kenya that is, Status in all, is defined heavily even, and from the very perspective of Money, Educational attainment (preferably Foreign), Family Name, or even so termed Proverbial ties and with peoples in all again, that Kenyan Society in general too, deem to be superior in one way or another that is. In Durnham-Nairobi though, is to introduce the concept of Secret/Private Societies in all (and as with Private Membership of any kind too), and as way in all again, of creating not only Status, but also seeking out Wealth in general too that is.

9. Ethnography:  for most in Nairobi and Kenya today, one does realize that, most don't have what they do term Ethnography in all (or even Folklore too that is). This is in many a way even, is why, certain groups of peoples in Kenya too (and such as the Kikuyu, Maasai, Somali-Kenyans or even the Swahili peoples), remain somewhat reknowed, and as with they truly even, having Folklore, and to their ways too that is (that Folklore in all, speaks of everyday successes, and as with this referring even, and to how to approach a Woman for instance). For those in Durnham-Nairobi though, and as with speak even of Ethnography too, all this referring generally even, and to the general Culture in place that is, is to perhaps in all again, promote a Literary/Scholastic tradition in all, and that will help, and in the creation of a Folklore/Ethnography too, and for those in Durnham-Nairobi that is (although speak of all this in all, can very well be done, and from a Private perspective too that is). In all again, is to promote the very works of Graham Greene, and as and inspiration too, and for the creation of Ethnography, and in Durnham-Nairobi too that is.

10. Authority: there is huge problem in Nairobi and Kenya today, and as with regards even and in all again, to whom to turn to, and as with regards truly even, to solving Communal problems in general that is. That finding adequate Housing for instance, or even resolving Domestic/Legal disputes too (and such as speak of hateful Relatives that is), remains a problem, and for many Kenyans too that is. In many a way too, for many in Kenya today, Authority is often perceived, and from the very perspective of Religious Leaders, Serikali/'Government Officials', former Teachers (High School and University too), the Banking/Finance Industry, and finally in all again Diplomats to Kenya too that is. For those in Durnham-Nairobi though, is to promote Philanthropy in all (and as with speak even, and of Volunteer Organizations and such as USAID too for instance), and as a form of Authority, and that can very well help in dealing, and with issues too, very much Communal in their ways that is.

11. Power Structures: there was a time, when Kenya and Nairobi too (and in the 70's and 80's even), did in many a way, function favourably, and for most Kenyans, and due to the very presence too, and of Local Leaders that is (and as with many a Local Council Meeting too for instance). The late 80's and the 90's too though, saw the Moi Regime in all, do away with these Local Leaders, leaving many a Kenyan, helpless, and as with regards even, to everyday survival that is (and as with speak even, and of where to find Resources, and as including speak of Water too that is). In all again, Kenya and Nairobi today, having its masses suffering in many a way, and as with its peoples, having to depend on the goodwill of their Neighbours in general, and as with regards even, to everyday survival that is. For those in Durnham-Nairobi though, is to promote the Power Structures that do go along with Concubinage (and as the proposed form of Family in Durnham-Nairobi too), and as the Ideal Power Sructures in all again, and for those in Durnham-Nairobi too that is [in all again, all this referring to Resource allocation in general, and as with speak even, and of where to place a Shopping Market for instance, and for the benefit of a Community too that is].

12. Common History: many in Nairobi and Kenya, tend to have many issues, and as with regards even, to just how to go about creating a Personal Identity in all, and that will have them in all again, thinking of themselves, and in a positive manner too, and also very much, as successful people too that is. For many in Kenya and Nairobi today, a desire to escape themselves, and as with speak of Identity and History too, and as with it heavily even, based around the Nuclear Family in all, and also Tribal Identities too that is. Some though who do choose to escape these Identities in many a way too, seek to create a general Historical/Personal based Identity in all, and as based around the Schools they attended, or even the Kenyan Music Scene (and speak of one being a Teenager or Young Adult too for instance), Kenyan Sport figures (and as with they Nationalistic in nature, and as with further speak even of Kenya and as a whole too, and as a Home in all and as with any location in it too, and for all Kenyans that is), Slang too, and finally in all again Materiality in itself that is. That in all, the latter 5 ways mentioned above, are the very way in which most Kenyans (and especially the Youth), seek to create Success/Independence oriented Identities (and as with speak even, and of a general Kenyan History too), but with they too, having totally failed in their ways, and what is in all again recommended for those in Durnham-Nairobi too is that, Personal Success/Independence and of any kind too, and as with speak even of a common Historical/Personal based Identity for all in Durnham-Nairobi, is to base Personal Identity in all again (and as with speak even of general Routine life that is), and as based around many a Religious Festival too actually (and as with one seeing themselves generally, and in Durnham-Nairobi too, and as based around a Memory in all, very much originating with many a Religious Festival too that is).

'the Moor'