Monday 7 January 2013



If many were to be asked, what is the most important part of a Computer is, they would perhaps offhandedly say, it was the ALU (Arithmetic & Logic Unit). In many a way, this view is often supported, by many a Computer/Software Magazine, which does speak of the Computing Speed, and of many a Computer on sale too that is. This in many a way, is oft enhanced again, and by many a Research Facility in all, speaking about the Computing speed and of the Computers in use too that is.

Truth is though, that, it is the Compiler that can very well be said to be at the very heart of modern Scientific Research, and not the ALU either (and speak of Computing Speed on the average too that is}. The Compiler in many a way, can be said to be at the very core of Computers, and not the ALU (and as with a Compendium that is, very much an output, and of a Compiler).