Friday 20 December 2013

Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual Guidance.

To speak of Spiritual Guidance and Abyssinia, is to speak even of the belief that, living life in the place and on an everyday basis too, can be somewhat difficult in its ways actually. This is because of the nature of problems or existences in all, seen in the place actually, and as actually taking the form in all, and of Quest too that is. In all though, and as basic Spiritual Guidance too, the song Candle in the Wind and by Elton John, and as speaking even and of whom we basically are and with the Quest too, and as with this referring even, and to Rasselas in all, or even 'The Abyssinian' too actually.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

The Psyche

The Psyche.

The Abyssinian Psyche, and speak too even, and of depressive states of being actually.