Tuesday 27 November 2012


Ovation Guitars.


Prince - I would die 4 you

Saturday 24 November 2012


the European Winter.

If one was to ask a Moor, what is their favourite thing in all and about Europe too is, then the answer to the query in all, would then probably in all truly be, "the European Winter".

Sunday 18 November 2012


N. Scherzinger.

Nicole Scherzinger (Uzbekistan)

'the Moor'

Friday 16 November 2012



European Metal/Rock Band {and of the 'From Russia with love' variety too}, and not an American Rock/Metal Band, or even an American Metal/Rock Band either {and as is the case with Guns n' Roses and Metallica too respectively}.

Thursday 15 November 2012



For those in South America, and of all kinds of skin colours or hues even, and who in many a way truly wonder, just how perhaps, to fit into European society in all, is to in all ways then perhaps, introduce them and to the 'Complete Pelican Shakespeare' Work, and as a fine way too that is, and of helping them learn to distinguish between their being South American in all, and on the otherhand, their adapting of many an European norm, manners and ways too that is. In all, for those in South America, and probably obsessed too much (and as with speak even, and of a Politician too perhaps), obsessed with being European that is, is to in all ways then perhaps state that, the 'Complete Pelican Shakespeare' Work posted above in all, can in many a way truly then, help them, in formenting and creating in all, South American Identities, and distinct too in all again, and from those seen in Europe too that is {and all this said too, and from a rather Religious perspective too that is}.

 'the Moor'

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Bon Jovi

Bon Jovi.


Very much of Italian origins in all {and as are its members too that is}, and not of European or American, origins truly either {and as the Media is won't to make one believe that is}. 

And with Roxette too, very much what European Rock is like, and with Aerosmith on the otherhand, very much what American Rock is truly like. 

Monday 12 November 2012

Mass Media

Mass Media.

Mass Media {and as is the case of an Open-air Market in itself, an Open-air Market stall too, or even a Comic/Cartoon strip three), and 18th-19th Century Revolutionary France.

Trading Bloc

 Trading Bloc.

This in many a way, does speak of a proposed Trading Bloc, and between Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and on the otherhand Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi & Mozambique too. A Trading Bloc, at the very least speaking of product exchanges, and as based around Agricultural & Animal products, Textiles, Mass Media (and as with saying that, most of the produce one does find in many an African Market, does fall under Mass Media actually), and finally in all again the Design Industries {they being wide in range and scope, and at the very least, all this speaking of Publishing, and also the very viewing of Design too, and from mainly a Content perspective that is}.

Thursday 8 November 2012



  or in many a way, what one could very well call American Voices, Genes and American Blood/Heart too actually.

'the Moor'

Wednesday 7 November 2012




Gentildonna to the Moor, and Signora to the rest perhaps.